[Haskell-cafe] Re: FASTER primes
Daniel Fischer
daniel.is.fischer at web.de
Sat Jan 16 15:37:56 EST 2010
Am Samstag 16 Januar 2010 18:53:33 schrieb Will Ness:
> Daniel Fischer <daniel.is.fischer <at> web.de> writes:
> > Am Donnerstag 14 Januar 2010 08:25:48 schrieb Will Ness:
> > > Daniel Fischer <daniel.is.fischer <at> web.de> writes:
> > > > Am Mittwoch 13 Januar 2010 10:43:42 schrieb Heinrich Apfelmus:
> > > > > I wonder whether it's really the liveness of pair in
> > > > >
> > > > > mergeSP (a,b) pair
> > > > > = let sm = spMerge b (fst pair)
> > > > > in (a ++ fst sm, merge (snd sm) (snd pair))
> > > > >
> > > > > that is responsible for the space leak, ...
> > > >
> > > > I think that is responsible. At least that's how I understand the
> > > > core:
> > > >
> > > > mergeSP (a,b) ~(c,d) = (a ++ bc, merge b' d)
> > > > where
> > > > (bc, b') = spMerge b c
> > > > spMerge ...
> > >
> > > That is equivalent to
> > >
> > > first (a++) . second (`merge`d) $ spMerge b c
> > >
> > > and Daniel's fix is equivalent to
> > >
> > > first (a++) $ spMerge b c d
> That should've been
> mergeSP (a,b) p = first(a++) . second(`merge`snd p) $ spMerge b (fst
> p)
> and
> mergeSP (a,b) p = first(a++) $ spMerge b (fst p) (snd p)
> The code fragments you've posted are essentially
> mergeSP (a,b) p = let res = case p of (c,_) ->
> case spMerge b c of (# x,y #) ->
> (x,y)
> in
> (# (++) a (case res of (bc,_)-> bc) ,
> case res of (_,b') ->
> case p of (_,d) -> merge b' d #)
> and
> mergeSP (a,b) p = let res = case p of (c,d) ->
> case spMerge b c d of (# x,y #) ->
> (x,y)
> in
> (# (++) a (case res of (bc,_)-> bc) ,
> case res of (_,b') -> b' #)
> This looks like Haskell to me, with many detailes explicitely written
> out, probaly serving as immediate input to the compiler - not its
> output. So it can't say to us much about how this is actually
> implemented on the lower level. (?)
It's 'core', the intermediate language GHC uses and does its
transformations upon. It's more or less a slimmed down version of Haskell.
That came from -ddump-simpl, thus it's the output of the simplifier, after
numerous transformation/optimisation passes. I think that is then fairly
directly translated to assembly (via Cmm), the STG to STG and Cmm passes do
not much optimisation anymore (I may be wrong, what know I about the
compiler. However, I've found that the -ddump-simpl output corresponds well
to the actual behaviour whenever I look.).
I find that much more redable than the -fext-core output
"GHC can dump its optimized intermediate code (said to be in “Core” format)
to a file as a side-effect of compilation."), which says the same, only
more verbose and less readable.
Of course, if I could read assembly, that would exactly reveal what
> Your theory would certainly hold if the translation was done one-to-one
> without any further code rearrangements. But it could've been further
> re-arranged by the compiler at some later stage (is there one?) into an
> equivalent of, e.g.
> mergeSP (a,b) p = let (bc,b') = case p of (c,_) ->
> case spMerge b c of (x,y) ->
> (x,y)
> in
> (# (++) a bc ,
> case p of (_,d) -> merge b' d #)
> and further,
> mergeSP (a,b) p = let (c,d) = case p of (x,y) -> (x,y)
> (bc,b') = case spMerge b c of (x,y) ->
> (x,y)
> in
> (# (++) a bc , merge b' d #)
> could it? This would take hold on /d/ and /c/ at the same time, right?
It would. But AFAICT, after the simplifier is done, no such rearrangements
occur anymore.
> What is that code that you've shown exactly? At which stage is it
> produced and is it subject to any further manipulation?
I'm no GHC expert either, so I don't know what it does when exactly.
But after parsing and desugaring, there come a few iterations of the
simplifier, intermingled with specialising, demand-analysis, CSE, let-
floating, worker-wrapper-split, ... .
At the end of all that, the Tidy Core is generated (part of which I
posted). What happens from then on, well ...
> I apologise if
> these are obvious questions, I don't know anything about GHC. I also
> don't know what (# x,y #) means?
Unboxed tuple (pair in this case). That means, have the components for
themselves, don't wrap them in a (,) constructor.
> One thing seems certain - we should not hold explicit references to same
> entities in different parts of our code, to avoid space leaks with more
> confidence.
Except when it's good to share ;)
> To make code look as much tail-recursive as possible, so to speak.
Tail recursion isn't really important (for GHC at least, I think for lazy
languages in general), due to different evaluation models (cf.
http://www.haskell.org/pipermail/haskell-cafe/2009-March/058607.html and
the thread starting with
> Does that make sense?
In general, yes.
> Anyway that was a very educational (for me) and fruitful discussion, and
> I greatly appreciate your help, and fixing and improving of the code.
> Thanks!
You're welcome.
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