[Haskell-cafe] Hackage strangeness

Roel van Dijk vandijk.roel at gmail.com
Fri Jan 15 09:45:56 EST 2010

I wrote a small cronjob to update my hackage reverse-deps. When
checking if it worked I noticed that my hackage appears to be more
up-to-date than the real thing!

Compare the "What's new" of both:

Real hackage: http://hackage.haskell.org/packages/archive/recent.html
Play thing: http://bifunctor.homelinux.net/~roel/hackage/packages/archive/recent.html

At the time of writing this message the newest package on Hackage is
dated Tue Jan 12 16:24:18 UTC 2010.
The newest on my mirror is Thu Jan 14 20:07:04 UTC 2010.

I thought that possibly the recent.html page wasn't being built, but
when I follow an actual package, like vacuum-opengl the most recent
version on hackage is 0.0.2 while on my mirror it is 0.0.3.

Is this a case of data loss or something else?

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