[Haskell-cafe] RFC: Space-leak-free, efficient symbol table implementation.

Thomas Schilling nominolo at googlemail.com
Thu Jan 14 18:33:54 EST 2010

Hello Café,

Symbol tables are a very common data structure in compilers but the most common implementation uses a hash table as a global variable which results in a space leak.  If we decide to use several symbol tables we still cannot join different symbol tables.

After some Googling I found the following implementation.  It could still be argued that there are some smaller space leaks left, but decide for yourself.

The use case I have in mind is a collection of several long-running compiler worker threads, that for the most part write their result to disk but may occasionally need to communicate with each other (and agree on symbol identities.)

I'd appreciate comments / code review on the following code.  I think it's fairly well-commented.


 / Thomas

{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -funbox-strict-fields #-}
-- | 
-- Module      : Data.Atom.UF
-- Copyright   : (c) Thomas Schilling 2010
-- License     : BSD-style
-- Maintainer  : nominolo at gmail.com
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : portable
-- Symbols without a central symbol table.
-- Symbols provide the following efficient operations:
--  - /O(1)/ equality comparison (in practise)
--  - /O(1)/ ordering comparison (in practise)
--  - /O(n)/ creation
-- This can be implemented by using a global variable mapping strings
-- to symbols and a counter assigning ids to symbols.  However, this
-- has two problems:
--  1. It has a space leak.  No symbols can ever be removed from this
--     table.  For example, if we add the symbol @\"foo\"@ the first
--     time it might get assigned id 1, if we then delete it and
--     insert it again it might get assigned id 42.  However, there
--     may still be symbols in memory which got assigned id 1.
--     Instead, symbols should be garbage collected like other data.
--     Using weak pointers has bad effects on performance due to
--     garbage collector overhead.
--  2. It is not reliable to compare symbols created using different
--     symbol tables.  They would most likely get assigned different
--     ids.
-- This implementation of symbols allows *optional* use of a symbol
-- table.  If a symbol table is used, this implementation will tend to
-- use less memory and its operations will be a little bit faster at
-- the beginning.  For longer runs, it won't make a big difference
-- though, since the representation is self-optimising.
-- Inspired by Richard O'Keefe's message to Erlang's eeps mailing list
-- <http://www.erlang.org/cgi-bin/ezmlm-cgi/5/057>, which in turn was
-- inspired by the Logix implementation of Flat Concurrent Prolog.
-- * Implementation
-- Each symbol is represented a pointer to the symbol info, which
-- consists of:
--   * a 'String'
--   * a 'Hash'
--   * a null-able parent pointer to an equivalent symbol info
-- Creating the same symbol twice will at first be represented as two
-- different entities.
-- @
--            .----+-------+-----.
--   A -----> | 42 | "foo" | nil |
--            '----+-------+-----'
--   B --.
--       '--> .----+-------+-----.
--   C -----> | 42 | "foo" | nil |
--            '----+-------+-----'
-- @
-- (Note that @A@, @B@ and @C@ are @IORefs at .)
-- When comparing @A@ and @B@ we use the following properties:
--  1. If @A@ and @B@ are identical then they must be equal.
--  2. If they point to the same object, they must equal.
--  3. If they have different hashes, they are different.
-- Unless there is a hash collision, we can decide equality and
-- ordering for all symbols that have been built with the same hash
-- table.
-- If the two objects have no parent, have the same hash, and the same
-- string, we now make one the first the parent of the other and
-- update the pointer of @B@ accordingly.  If there are no references
-- to the second object left it can now be garbage collected.
-- If an object already has a parent pointer we follow each object's
-- parents to the roots and compare the roots.  This process might
-- again result in updates to @A@ or @B@ and various parent pointers.
-- In the example above, after @A == B@ we have:
-- @
--            .----+-------+-----.
--   A -----> | 42 | "foo" | nil |
--       .--> '----+-------+-----'
--   B --'                    ^
--            .----+-------+--|--.
--   C -----> | 42 | "foo" |  *  |
--            '----+-------+-----'
-- @
-- After @C == A@ or @C == B@ we have.
-- @
--   A -----> .----+-------+-----.
--       .--> | 42 | "foo" | nil |
--   B --'.-> '----+-------+-----'
--        |                   ^
--        |   .----+-------+--|--.
--   C ---'   | 42 | "foo" |  *  |
--            '----+-------+-----'
-- @
-- The second object will now be garbage collected.
-- In fact, after the first @A == B@, the remaining updates could use
-- some help from the garbage collector.  This could be done by
-- somehow forcibly (and unsafely) replacing the second object by an
-- update frame and then rely on the GC's indirection shortening
-- feature.  This is /very/ unsafe, since some code may rely \"know\"
-- that the object is already evaluated.  E.g., C's pointer could be
-- tagged (c.f. \"Faster Laziness Using Dynamic Pointer Tagging\").
-- It /might/ work if we can match the physical layout of both
-- structures, but it's equally likely that hell freezes over, so I'll
-- leave that as an exercise for more braver hackers.
-- * TODO
--  - generalise to arbitrary hashable objects.  need not be
--    restricted to 'String'.
--  - make thread-safe.  (we only need a lock for the uncommon cases)
--  - make sure the pointer update code is correct and has no bad
--    cases
--  - implement IntMap variant\/wrapper that respects that two
--    different objects may have the same key (however unlikely).
module Data.Atom.UF 
  ( Symbol, intern, internInto, SymTab(..) )

import Data.Word ( Word32 )
import Data.Char ( ord )
import Data.Bits ( xor )
import Data.IORef
import System.IO.Unsafe
import Control.Monad -- ( unless )
import System.Mem.Weak
import System.Mem
import Data.Maybe

-- -------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Public API:

-- | A symbol.
newtype Symbol = Symbol (IORef SymbolInfo)
instance Eq Symbol where x == y = cmpSymbol x y == EQ
instance Ord Symbol where compare = cmpSymbol
instance Show Symbol where show = showSym

-- | Create a new local symbol.  For best performance use
-- 'internInto' together with a symbol table / map.
intern :: String -> Symbol

class SymTab s where
  lookupSymbol :: s -> String -> Maybe Symbol
  insertSymbol :: String -> Symbol -> s -> s

-- | Insert a symbol into an existing table.
internInto :: SymTab s => s -> String -> (s, Symbol)

-- -------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Internals

data SymbolInfo =
  SymInfo {-# UNPACK #-} !Word32  -- hash
          {-# UNPACK #-} !(IORef Link) -- parent [really unpack]?

type Link = Maybe SymbolInfo

internInto st str =
  case lookupSymbol st str of
    Just sym -> (st, sym)
    _        -> let sym = intern str in
                (insertSymbol str sym st, sym)

showSym :: Symbol -> String
showSym (Symbol r) = unsafePerformIO $ do
  -- dupable/inline is fine, too, since the string never changes
  (SymInfo _ _ str) <- readIORef r
  return str

intern s = unsafePerformIO $ do
  lnk <- newIORef Nothing
  r <- newIORef $ SymInfo (hash s) lnk s
  return (Symbol r)

mkSymbolInfo :: String -> SymbolInfo
mkSymbolInfo s = unsafePerformIO $ do
  lnk <- newIORef Nothing
  return $ SymInfo (hash s) lnk s

cmpSymbol :: Symbol -> Symbol -> Ordering
cmpSymbol (Symbol r1) (Symbol r2)
  | r1 == r2 = EQ
  | otherwise = unsafePerformIO $ do
      -- We only read.  It should be safe to use unsafeInlineIO for
      -- the two reads.
      sym1@(SymInfo h1 l1 s1) <- readIORef r1
      sym2@(SymInfo h2 l2 s2) <- readIORef r2
      case h1 `compare` h2 of
        -- If the hashes are different they cannot be the same symbol
        LT -> return LT
        GT -> return GT
         | sameSym sym1 sym2 ->
          -- The two references are not the same, but they point to
          -- the same object.  That's fine, we can't optimise any
          -- further.
           return EQ

        -- If the symbols have been built using the same symbol table
        -- we will only reach this case if we have a hash collision or
        -- the symbols were built from different symbol tables.
        -- TODO: Extract into NOINLINE function, wrap unsafePerformIO,
        -- and use an MVar-based lock.

         | otherwise -> do
          -- The hashes are the same.  It could be a collision, or the
          -- symbol was created using a different symbol table.
          -- Case 1: The symbols have already be joined, but this
          -- Symbol's IORef still points to the old version.  We can
          -- determine this by following the union/find structure.
          rep1 <- repr sym1
          rep2 <- repr sym2
          let string_cmp = s1 `compare` s2  -- lazy!
          if sameSym rep1 rep2 || string_cmp == EQ then do
             -- They should in fact be the same symbol.  Update the
             -- atoms and the symbol infos if necessary.
             -- TODO: Use MVar / lock.
             unless (sameSym sym1 rep1) $ do
               writeIORef r1 rep1
               writeIORef l1 (Just rep1)  -- path shortening
             unless (sameSym sym2 rep1) $ do
               writeIORef r2 rep1
               writeIORef l2 (Just rep1)
             return EQ
            else do
              -- They are not the same, and they shouldn't
              return string_cmp
{-# NOINLINE cmpSymbol #-}

-- We abuse the fact that IORefs give us an identity (i.e., observable
-- sharing) and that we need the IORef anyway.
sameSym :: SymbolInfo -> SymbolInfo -> Bool
sameSym (SymInfo _ r1 _) (SymInfo _ r2 _) = r1 == r2

repr :: SymbolInfo -> IO SymbolInfo
repr sym@(SymInfo _ r _) = do
  parent <- readIORef r   -- TODO: perform path shortening.
  case parent of
    Nothing -> return sym
    Just sym' -> repr sym'

test1 = do
  let s1@(Symbol r1) = intern "foo"
      s2@(Symbol r2) = intern "foo"
  print $ r1 == r2   -- should be False
  -- create a weak reference to the second symbol, so we can observe
  -- when it is garbage collected
  w <- mk_weak =<< readIORef r2

  print $ s1 == s2   -- should print True
  print =<< liftM2 sameSym (readIORef r1) (readIORef r2) -- should print True
  putStrLn "GCing"
  performGC          -- this should print goodbye, representing the
                     -- fact that the second symbol has been garbage
                     -- collected.
  print . isJust =<< deRefWeak w  -- should print False (object has been collected)
   mk_weak o = mkWeakPtr o (Just (putStrLn "goodbye"))

-- -------------------------------------------------------------------

-- Fowler / Noll / Vo (FNV) hash.  Original code expected 'unsigned
-- char' input.  Don't know whether it behaves worse for unicode
-- chars.
hash :: String -> Word32
hash str = go magic_start (map ord str)
    magic_start = 2166136261 :: Word32
    go :: Word32 -> [Int] -> Word32
    go !h [] = h
    go !h (c:cs) =
        go ((h * 16777619) `xor` fromIntegral c) cs

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