[Haskell-cafe] Name overloading

Edward Kmett ekmett at gmail.com
Wed Jan 13 14:18:21 EST 2010

Well, you can get part of the way there, by using a class associated type

class HasOpen a where
   type Open a :: *
   open :: a -> Open a

This lets you use type inference in one direction, without requiring that
every result be a member of a data family. On the other hand, type inference
just became directional, like in C#. you can't use the type of Open a to
infer the type a because you've lost injectivity.

You'd need a data type family to guarantee injectivity and determine a from
the context of Open a, and that yields an ugly mess. Since each container
would have to yield a distinct value type and interoperability goes out the

On the other hand, the mixture of fixed type slots and type family slots
gets you a pretty good compromise. You typically know the type of the
structs whose members you are asking for.

-Edward Kmett

On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 2:08 PM, John Millikin <jmillikin at gmail.com> wrote:

> The usual suggestion I see for this sort of thing is to create a
> typeclass for the operations you care about[1][2]. For example:
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> class HasOpen a where
>  open :: a -> Handle
> data DB
> data FS
> openDB :: DB -> Handle
> openFS :: FS -> Handle
> instance DB HasOpen where open = openDB
> instance FS HasOpen where open = openFS
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Of course, this doesn't allow you to have functions share the same
> name if they have different signatures, as in your (open :: FS ->
> File) example. To be honest, I think the C / Haskell approach of
> unambiguously-identified functions is clearly superior to the C++ / C#
> / Java "class as namespace" idiom, which has caused me no end of
> grief.
> Dynamic languages such as Python and Ruby, of course, can return
> anything from anywhere. This is nice in some cases, but having used
> both extensively I think (static typing+inference) is a better
> solution than dynamic typing.
> > Now, in Haskell we have type inference, which is "The Good Thing" as
> > it allows to "validate" your program at compile time. Hence, the idea
> > coming up to my mind is that type inference actually forbids a
> > type-directed resolution of names as in C++ or Java.
> >
> > Is this correct?
> Type inference and static typing are separate; inference makes static
> typing usable, but static typing makes compile-type correctness
> verification easier. And it's not inference making your goal
> impossible, but the fact that Haskell (like C) does not support
> arbitrary overloading.
> [1] http://www.mail-archive.com/haskell-cafe@haskell.org/msg64844.html
> [2]
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1897306/haskell-record-syntax-and-type-classes
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