[Haskell-cafe] Language simplicity

Michael Hartl mikehartl at web.de
Tue Jan 12 17:38:11 EST 2010

Am Dienstag, den 12.01.2010, 22:22 +0000 schrieb Andrew Coppin:
> Niklas Broberg wrote:
> >> Haskell '98 apparently features 25 reserved words. (Not counting "forall"
> >> and "mdo" and so on, which AFAIK are not in Haskell '98.)
> >>     
> >
> > 21 actually. case, class, data, default, deriving, do, else, if,
> > import, in, infix, infixl, infixr, instance, let, module, newtype, of,
> > then, type, where. There's also three special words that can still be
> > used as identifiers, so aren't reserved: as, qualified, hiding.
> >   
> OK. Well the list I saw was for Haskell plus extensions, and I visually 
> filtered out the inapplicable stuff. Apparently I missed something.
> Also, the number varies depending on whether you consider "reversed 
> words" or "keywords", and I suspect the situation is subtly different 

"reversed words"? There are some in sh for example, namely 'fi' and
'esac', but other than that they are not that common... ;-)

> for each possible language. I was going vaguely for anything that's 
> hard-wired into a language, and not just part of the standard libraries. 
> (E.g., "return" is definitely NOT any kind of reversed word or keyword.)
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