[Haskell-cafe] Parsers (Parsec and Iteratee-based Parsers)

Günther Schmidt gue.schmidt at web.de
Mon Jan 11 18:09:09 EST 2010

Hi John,

thanks for responding. As I said I've been using Parsec quite a lot, but 
wonder if there is a different approach possible/feasible to parsing. 
Parsec (2x) isn't an "online" parser, ie, it doesn't produce a result 
before the whole parse is completed.

There is AFAIK one alternative, the uulib, but at first glance it seemed 
very elaborate, so I wonder if Oleg's Iteratee offers something simpler.

I am not in particular looking for some sort of parsec-iteratee-hybrid, 
I'd be quite happy with something entirely based on Iteratee. In the 
Iteratee package there are 2 sample parsers, one for TIFF and one for 
WAVE files. I wish I could say that the accompanying documentation is 
sufficient for me to get the idea, alas it's not.


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