[Haskell-cafe] Capped lists and |append|
Felipe Lessa
felipe.lessa at gmail.com
Fri Jan 8 20:57:00 EST 2010
[Disclaimer: I didn't really read all the thread from which this
data structure originated on Cafè =).]
On Fri, Jan 08, 2010 at 03:38:15PM -0800, John Millikin wrote:
> Since uploading, there's been a big problem pointed out to me
> regarding this structure, namely the possible definitions of |append|.
> Because the list terminus is itself a value, but isn't / shouldn't be
> the same type as the elements, either obvious implementation will drop
> it.
> append :: CappedList cap a -> CappedList cap a -> CappedList cap a
> append (Cap 0) (Cap 1) = -- either (Cap 0) or (Cap 1), but
> information has been lost
I don't think there is an easy solution here. In a first
approach, what I would do would be to provide
-- Returning one of the caps out of list.
appendL :: CappedList cap a -> CappedList cap' a -> (cap', CappedList cap a)
appendR :: CappedList cap' a -> CappedList cap a -> (cap', CappedList cap a)
-- Discarding one of the caps.
appendL_ :: CappedList cap a -> CappedList discarded a -> CappedList cap a
appendR_ :: CappedList discarded a -> CappedList cap a -> CappedList cap a
-- 'mappend'ing the caps
appendM :: Monoid cap => CappedList cap a -> CappedList cap a -> CappedList cap a
and then define
mappend = appendM
If we used appendL_ then we would violate Monoid's law that says
mappend mempty x = x
And if we used appendR_ we would violate
mappend x mempty = x
Of course, you would have to change your 'empty' package to
include the following law:
"For every data type implementing Empty and Monoid,
empty should be mempty."
This way you will guarantee that when using appendM
Cap empty `mappend` Cap c = Cap c
Also, you may want to have CappedList an instance of
Control.Functor.Bifunctor from category-extras:
-- Hask is a synonym for (->).
instance Bifunctor CappedList Hask Hask Hask where
bimap f g = foldr (Next . f) (Cap . g)
And, of course,
import Data.Monoid (First(..), Last(..))
appendL_ = bimap id getFirst . appendM . bimap id First
appendR_ = bimap id getLast . appendM . bimap id Last
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