[Haskell-cafe] Explicit garbage collection

Edward Kmett ekmett at gmail.com
Thu Jan 7 00:01:20 EST 2010

Here is a slightly nicer version using the Codensity monad of STM.

Thanks go to Andrea Vezzosi for figuring out an annoying hanging bug I was

-Edward Kmett

{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, DeriveFunctor
#-}module STMOracle    ( Oracle, Ref    , newRef, readRef, writeRef,
modifyRef, needRef    ) whereimport Control.Applicativeimport
Control.Monadimport Control.Concurrent.STMinstance Applicative STM
where    pure = return    (<*>) = apnewtype Ref s a = Ref (TVar (Maybe
a))newtype Oracle s a = Oracle { unOracle :: forall r. (a -> STM r) ->
STM r } deriving (Functor)instance Monad (Oracle s) where  return x =
Oracle (\k -> k x)  Oracle m >>= f = Oracle (\k -> m (\a -> unOracle
(f a) k))mkOracle m = Oracle (m >>=)runOracle :: (forall s. Oracle s
a) -> IO arunOracle t = atomically (unOracle t return)newRef :: a ->
Oracle s (Ref s a)newRef a = mkOracle $ Ref <$> newTVar (Just
a)readRef :: Ref s a -> Oracle s areadRef (Ref r) = mkOracle $ do    m
<- readTVar r    maybe retry return mwriteRef :: a -> Ref s a ->
Oracle s awriteRef a (Ref r) = mkOracle $ do    writeTVar r (Just a)
 return amodifyRef :: (a -> a) -> Ref s a -> Oracle s amodifyRef f r =
do    a <- readRef r    writeRef (f a) rneedRef :: Ref s a -> Oracle s
BoolneedRef (Ref slot) = Oracle $ \k ->             (writeTVar slot
Nothing >> k False)    `orElse` k True-- test case:

                                     refMaybe b dflt ref = if b then
readRef ref else return dfltrefIgnore ref = return "blablabla"refFst
ref = fst `fmap` readRef reftest = do     a <- newRef "x"     b <-
newRef 1     c <- newRef ('z', Just 0)     -- no performLocalGC
                                                 x <- needRef a     y
<- needRef b     z <- needRef c     u <- refMaybe y "t" a -- note that
it wouldn't actually read "a",
                                                         -- but it
won't be known until runtime.
                                      w <- refIgnore b     v <- refFst
c     return (x, y, z)

On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 10:28 PM, Edward Kmett <ekmett at gmail.com> wrote:

> I don't believe you can get quite the semantics you want. However, you can
> get reasonably close, by building a manual store and backtracking.
> {-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
> -- lets define an Oracle that tracks whether or not you might need the
> reference, by backtracking.
> module Oracle
>     ( Oracle, Ref
>     , newRef, readRef, writeRef, modifyRef, needRef
>     ) where
> import Control.Applicative
> import Control.Arrow (first)
> import Control.Monad
> import Data.IntMap (IntMap)
> import qualified Data.IntMap as M
> import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
> import GHC.Prim (Any)
> -- we need to track our own worlds, otherwise we'd have to build over ST,
> change optimistically, and track how to backtrack the state of the Store.
> Much uglier.
> -- values are stored as 'Any's for safety, see GHC.Prim for a discussion on
> the hazards of risking the storage of function types using unsafeCoerce as
> anything else.
> data World s = World { store :: !(IntMap Any), hwm :: !Int }
> -- references into our store
> newtype Ref s a = Ref Int deriving (Eq)
> -- our monad that can 'see the future' ~ StateT (World s) []
> newtype Oracle s a = Oracle { unOracle :: World s -> [(a, World s)] }
> -- we rely on the fact that the list is always non-empty for any oracle you
> can run. we are only allowed to backtrack if we thought we wouldn't need the
> reference, and wound up needing it, so head will always succeed.
> runOracle :: (forall s. Oracle s a) -> a
> runOracle f = fst $ head $ unOracle f $ World M.empty 1
> instance Monad (Oracle s) where
>     return a = Oracle $ \w -> [(a,w)]
>     Oracle m >>= k = Oracle $ \s -> do
>         (a,s') <- m s
>         unOracle (k a) s'
> -- note: you cannot safely define fail here without risking a crash in
> runOracle
> -- Similarly, we're not a MonadPlus instance because we always want to
> succeed eventually.
> instance Functor (Oracle s) where
>     fmap f (Oracle g) = Oracle $ \w -> first f <$> g w
> instance Applicative (Oracle s) where
>     pure = return
>     (<*>) = ap
> -- new ref allocates a fresh slot and inserts the value into the store. the
> type level brand 's' keeps us safe, and we don't export the Ref constructor.
> newRef :: a -> Oracle s (Ref s a)
> newRef a = Oracle $ \(World w t) ->
>     [(Ref t, World (M.insert t (unsafeCoerce a) w) (t + 1))]
> -- readRef is the only thing that ever backtracks, if we try to read a
> reference we claimed we wouldn't need, then we backtrack to when we decided
> we didn't need the reference, and continue with its value.
> readRef :: Ref s a -> Oracle s a
> readRef (Ref slot) = Oracle $ \world ->
>     maybe [] (\a -> [(unsafeCoerce a, world)]) $ M.lookup slot (store
> world)
> -- note, writeRef dfoesn't 'need' the ref's current value, so needRef will
> report False if you writeRef before you read it after this.
> writeRef :: a -> Ref s a -> Oracle s a
> writeRef a (Ref slot) = Oracle $ \world ->
>         [(a, world { store = M.insert slot (unsafeCoerce a) $ store world
> })]
> {-
> -- alternate writeRef where writing 'needs' the ref.
> writeRef :: a -> Ref s a -> Oracle s a
> writeRef a (Ref slot) = Oracle $ \World store v -> do
>     (Just _, store') <- return $ updateLookupWithKey replace slot store
>     [(a, World store' v)]
>   where
>     replace _ _ = Just (unsafeCoerce a)
> -}
> -- modifying a reference of course needs its current value.
> modifyRef :: (a -> a) -> Ref s a -> Oracle s a
> modifyRef f r = do
>     a <- readRef r
>     writeRef (f a) r
> -- needRef tries to continue executing the world without the element in the
> store in question. if that fails, then we'll backtrack to here, and try
> again with the original world, and report that the element was in fact
> needed.
> needRef :: Ref s a -> Oracle s Bool
> needRef (Ref slot) = Oracle $ \world ->
>     [ (False, world { store = M.delete slot $ store world })
>     , (True, world)
>     ]
> -- test case:
> refMaybe b dflt ref = if b then readRef ref else return dflt
> refIgnore ref = return "blablabla"
> refFst ref = fst <$> readRef ref
> test = do
>      a <- newRef "x"
>      b <- newRef 1
>      c <- newRef ('z', Just 0)
>      -- no performLocalGC required
>      x <- needRef a
>      y <- needRef b
>      z <- needRef c
>      u <- refMaybe y "t" a -- note that it wouldn't actually read "a",
>                            -- but it won't be known until runtime.
>      w <- refIgnore b
>      v <- refFst c
>      return (x, y, z)
> -- This will disagree with your desired answer, returning:
> *Oracle> runOracle test
> Loading package syb ... linking ... done.
> Loading package array- ... linking ... done.
> Loading package containers- ... linking ... done.
> (False,False,True)
> rather than (True, False, True), because the oracle is able to see into the
> future (via backtracking) to see that refMaybe doesn't use the reference
> after all.
> This probably won't suit your needs, but it was a fun little exercise.
> -Edward Kmett
> On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 4:05 PM, Miguel Mitrofanov <miguelimo38 at yandex.ru>wrote:
>> On 6 Jan 2010, at 23:21, Edward Kmett wrote:
>>  You probably just want to hold onto weak references for your
>>> 'isStillNeeded' checks.
>> That's what I do now. But I want to minimize the network traffic, so I
>> want referenced values to be garbage collected as soon as possible - and I
>> couldn't find anything except System.Mem.performIO to do the job - which is
>> a bit too global for me.
>>  Otherwise the isStillNeeded check itself will keep you from garbage
>>> collecting!
>> Not necessary. What I'm imagining is that there is essentially only one
>> way to access the value stored in the reference - with readRef. So, if there
>> isn't any chance that readRef would be called, the value can be garbage
>> collected; "isStillNeeded" function only needs the reference, not the value.
>> Well, yeah, that's kinda like weak references.
>> http://cvs.haskell.org/Hugs/pages/libraries/base/System-Mem-Weak.html
>>> -Edward Kmett
>>> On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 9:39 AM, Miguel Mitrofanov <miguelimo38 at yandex.ru>
>>> wrote:
>>> I'll take a look at them.
>>> I want something like this:
>>> refMaybe b dflt ref = if b then readRef ref else return dflt
>>> refIgnore ref = return "blablabla"
>>> refFst ref =
>>>  do
>>>     (v, w) <- readRef ref
>>>     return v
>>> test =
>>>  do
>>>     a <- newRef "x"
>>>     b <- newRef 1
>>>     c <- newRef ('z', Just 0)
>>>     performLocalGC -- if necessary
>>>     x <- isStillNeeded a
>>>     y <- isStillNeeded b
>>>     z <- isStillNeeded c
>>>     u <- refMaybe y "t" a -- note that it wouldn't actually read "a",
>>>                           -- but it won't be known until runtime.
>>>     w <- refIgnore b
>>>     v <- refFst c
>>>     return (x, y, z)
>>> so that "run test" returns (True, False, True).
>>> Dan Doel wrote:
>>> On Wednesday 06 January 2010 8:52:10 am Miguel Mitrofanov wrote:
>>> Is there any kind of "ST" monad that allows to know if some STRef is no
>>>  longer needed?
>>> The problem is, I want to send some data to an external storage over a
>>>  network and get it back later, but I don't want to send unnecessary
>>> data.
>>> I've managed to do something like that with weak pointers,
>>>  System.Mem.performGC and unsafePerformIO, but it seems to me that
>>> invoking
>>>  GC every time is an overkill.
>>> Oh, and I'm ready to trade the purity of runST for that, if necessary.
>>> You may be able to use something like Oleg's Lightweight Monadic Regions
>>> to get this effect. I suppose it depends somewhat on what qualifies a
>>> reference as "no longer needed".
>>>  http://www.cs.rutgers.edu/~ccshan/capability/region-io.pdf
>>> I'm not aware of anything out-of-the-box that does what you want, though.
>>> -- Dan
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