[Haskell-cafe] Using Haskell to write dbus server

John Millikin jmillikin at gmail.com
Tue Jan 5 12:37:38 EST 2010

Why would you want to?

Any conforming D-Bus client can connect to any conforming D-Bus
server, so there's no particular advantage to having the same language
on both ends of the connection. Additionally, there's a lot of fiddly
low-level details (memory management, OS integration) which are
difficult to implement in Haskell but relatively easy in C. The
reference implementation of D-Bus has had an awful amount of work
poured into making it stable and usable even in the face of external
errors, such as out of memory -- replicating that work, in any
language would be a pain.

That isn't a rhetorical question, by the way -- I've written
mostly-complete implementation of the client libraries, and intend to
write a server at some point. But without a clear reason to write the
server, it's just languishing on the TODO list. If you have any use
for a Haskell D-Bus server which can't be served by the reference
implementation, I'd be glad to hear it.

On Tue, Jan 5, 2010 at 01:55, Maciej Piechotka <uzytkownik2 at gmail.com> wrote:
> How to write (is it possible) a dbus server in Haskell?
> Regards
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