[Haskell-cafe] Re: Why doesn't laziness save the day here?

oleg at okmij.org oleg at okmij.org
Tue Jan 5 07:17:36 EST 2010

Dale Jordan wrote:

> The motivation for iterateR is to be able to have the ultimate
> consumer determine how many random values to force, but still have a
> single random generator used throughout the computation.
> My intuition tells me that since the infinite list is produced in
> finite batches, ...
> Can anyone explain why this is looping or point out a better way to
> generate an arbitrary-length random list while still being able to
> reuse the generator? 

The others have already pointed out the problem with the imperative
solution, which used the mutation of the global state with the new
random seed. Imperative approach is indeed often a problem.

There is a simple solution however. In fact, your message already
described it. The key phrase is ``the infinite list is produced in
finite batches.'' We merely need to define a list-like data structure
that matches our intuitions. The complete code follows. All three run
functions, run1 through run3, produce a finite result (shown in the
comments after the definition).

module RList where

-- I don't have Mersenne Twistor installed; so I'll use the stdGen...
import System.Random
import Control.Monad.State

data RList m a = RList [a]              -- known finite prefix
                       [m [a]]          -- a stream of producing actions

pullR :: Monad m => RList m a -> m (RList m a)
pullR (RList p (x:xs)) = x >>= \p' -> return $ RList (p++p') xs

headR :: Monad m => RList m a -> m a
headR (RList (x:_) _) = return x
headR x = pullR x >>= headR

tailR :: Monad m => RList m a -> m (RList m a)
tailR (RList (_:xs) ms) = return $ RList xs ms
tailR x = pullR x >>= tailR

-- appendR doesn't have to have the monadic type. We go for uniformity with
-- the headR
appendR :: Monad m => RList m a -> RList m a -> m (RList m a)
appendR (RList p1 ms1) (RList p2 ms2) = 
  return $ RList p1 (ms1 ++ (return p2):ms2)

takeR :: Monad m => Int -> RList m a -> m (RList m a)
takeR 0 l = return l
takeR n (RList p ms) | length p >= n = return $ RList (take n p) []
takeR n l = pullR l >>= takeR n -- quite inefficient, but short

-- Other list library functions can be implemented in terms of head, tail

-- the evaluator, so to speak. It is possibly strict, use it at the 
-- very end
toList :: (Functor m, Monad m) => RList m a -> m [a]
toList (RList p []) = return p
toList (RList p ms) = pullR (RList [] ms) >>= fmap (p ++) . toList 

-- Dale Jordan's library, slightly re-written

-- Specialized iterator for running actions in Rand monad, to thread
-- the generator.  The idea is that the action returns a finite list
-- of random values and iterateR lazily creates an infinite list of
-- values.

-- Again, the monadic type is unncessary; given for the sake of
-- uniformity
iterateR :: Monad m => m [a] -> m (RList m a)
iterateR act = return $ RList [] (repeat act)

type Rand r a = State r a

-- A simple example of a finite action
something :: (RandomGen g) => Int -> Int -> Rand g [Int]
something n m = sequence . replicate n . State $ randomR (m,m+9)

run1 = evalState (toList =<<
                  takeR 10 =<< (iterateR (something 2 0))) $ mkStdGen 42
-- [1,1,7,4,6,1,8,1,8,5]

run2 = evalState (toList =<<
          takeR 10 =<< (iterateR (something 2 0) >> iterateR (something 3 10)))
          $ mkStdGen 42
-- [11,11,17,14,16,11,18,11,18,15]

run3 = evalState (toList =<<
          (takeR 10 =<< (iterateR (something 2 0) >>= 
                         headR >>=
                         iterateR . something 3)))
          $ mkStdGen 42
-- [8,5,7,2,9,2,9,6,6,10]

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