[Haskell-cafe] Why doesn't laziness save the day here?
Daniel Fischer
daniel.is.fischer at web.de
Mon Jan 4 21:04:53 EST 2010
Am Dienstag 05 Januar 2010 02:31:20 schrieb Dale Jordan:
> Kind and Generous Haskellers:
> I am ensnared in a briar patch of infinite lists and Random gnerators
> trying to use laziness to advantage. Here's my code:
> ----------------- 8< --------------------
> import Control.Applicative
> import Control.Monad
> import Control.Monad.Random
> import Control.Monad.State
> import System.Random.Mersenne.Pure64
> -- Specialized iterator for running actions in Rand monad, to thread
> -- the generator. The idea is that the action returns a finite list
> -- of random values and iterateR lazily creates an infinite list of
> -- values.
> iterateR act = do
> gen <- get
> let (as,gen') = runRand act gen
> put $! gen'
> (as ++) <$> iterateR act
> -- A simple example of a finite action
> something :: (RandomGen g) => Int -> Int -> Rand g [Int]
> something n m = sequence . replicate n $ getRandomR (m,m+9)
> run1 = evalState (take 10 <$> (iterateR (something 2 0))) $ pureMT 42
> run2 = evalState
> (take 10 <$> (iterateR (something 2 0) >> iterateR (something
> 3 10)))
> $ pureMT 42
> run3 = evalState
> (take 10 <$> (iterateR (something 2 0) >>= iterateR .
> (something 3 . head)))
> $ pureMT 42
> ------------------- >8 ----------------------
> Evaluating run1 works fine (ghci 10.3):
> *Main> run1
> [1,9,5,3,6,9,1,5,1,8]
> Evaluating run2 or run3 loops and quickly exhausts the heap.
> (Using Control.Monad.State.Strict causes stack overflow, though)
> The motivation for iterateR is to be able to have the ultimate
> consumer determine how many random values to force, but still have a
> single random generator used throughout the computation.
> My intuition tells me that since the infinite list is produced in
> finite batches, the generator shouldn't be tangled up in an infinite
> list such as produced by MonadRandom's getRandoms, but I only have a
> pink belt in Haskell-fu.
> Can anyone explain why this is looping
Rand g is basically State g (or, rather StateT g Identity).
Looking at the definition of (>>=) for that:
instance (Monad m) => Monad (StateT s m) where
return a = StateT $ \s -> return (a, s)
m >>= k = StateT $ \s -> do
~(a, s') <- runStateT m s
runStateT (k a) s'
in a1 >> a2, if a2 wants to use the state, it can't do that before a1 is done. iterateR is
never finished, so
iterateR act >> otherAct
can only work if otherAct doesn't use the state (or puts a state before using it).
> or point out a better way to
> generate an arbitrary-length random list while still being able to
> reuse the generator?
Sorry, no.
> (I'd rather not use split since this generator
> doesn't support it and its of dubious soundness.)
> Dale Jordan
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