[Haskell-cafe] List of numbers to list of ranges

Stephen Tetley stephen.tetley at gmail.com
Thu Dec 23 22:12:54 CET 2010

I'd go with direct recursion for this one - the pattern of consumption
and production that generates the answer doesn't seem to neatly match
any of the standard recursion combinators (map, unfold, fold,
mapAccum, ...) nor exotic ones (skipping streams c.f. the Stream
fusion paper, apomorphisms, ...).

Direct recursion might be prosaic, but it is pleasantly obvious:

ranges :: (Num a, Eq a) => [a] -> [(a,a)]
ranges []     = []
ranges (a:as) = step (a,a) as
    step (i,j) []                = [(i,j)]
    step (i,j) (x:xs) | j+1 == x = step (i,x) xs
    step (i,j) (x:xs)            = (i,j) : step (x,x) xs

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