[Haskell-cafe] Snap 0.3 Released!

Gregory Collins greg at gregorycollins.net
Mon Dec 20 19:16:37 CET 2010

Hi all,

After many months of hard work, the Snap team is proud to announce
the release of the next major version of the Snap Framework: Snap

New Features

-   Snap now has SSL support! To enable SSL support, install the
    gnutls library and pass the "gnutls" in when you build

    $ cabal install snap-server -fgnutls

-   The snap project starter executable has been pulled out of
    snap-core and put into its own package, called "snap". The snap
    package also contains some library code which the generated
    projects make use of, and the generated projects have a simplified
    and much cleaner layout.

-   Snap now comes with support for working in a "development mode"
    which runs your web handlers in an interpreter using the hint
    library. This makes working on Snap applications quicker and more
    convenient, since you no longer need to perform a
    kill/recompile/reload cycle to see your code changes reflected in
    your running application.

-   One of the new things in the snap package is an experimental
    "extensions" mechanism which contains some interfaces/helper code
    for writing reusable web components.

-   A new MonadSnap typeclass has been defined:

        class (Monad m, MonadIO m, MonadCatchIO m, MonadPlus m, Functor m,
               Applicative m, Alternative m) => MonadSnap m where
            liftSnap :: Snap a -> m a

    Most of the basic functions from Snap.Types have been redefined to
    accept any monad implementing MonadSnap, and MonadSnap instances
    have been defined for most of the standard monad transformers; this
    should make it much more convenient to use monad transformers with
    Snap without having to use "lift" all over the place.

-   Added
    getCookie :: MonadSnap m => ByteString -> m (Maybe Cookie), which
    allows you to fetch cookies from the request by name.

-   Snap now depends on the enumerator package for iteratee support
    instead of iteratee.

-   The snap-server now has a convenient configuration mechanism
    which will parse arguments from the command line for you.


-   Changed type signature of finishWith from Response -> Snap ()
    to Response -> Snap a.

-   When using fileServe, file paths are now properly URL-decoded,
    meaning you can now download a file with spaces in its name.

-   Parameters grabbed by variable capture using route are also now

-   Under the hood: snap server backend mechanism has been
    improved/factored out, making it possible to listen to two or more
    ports using different backends at once (e.g. SSL and non-SSL).


Gregory Collins <greg at gregorycollins.net>

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