[Haskell-cafe] GHC 7.0.1 developer challenges

Ketil Malde ketil at malde.org
Fri Dec 17 09:03:24 CET 2010

"John D. Ramsdell" <ramsdell0 at gmail.com> writes:

>> In absence of any explicit limits, I think a sensible default is to set
>> maximum total memory use to something like 80%-90% of physical RAM.

> This would be a poor choice on Linux systems.  As I've argued
> previously in this thread, the best choice is to limit the GHC runtime
> to the free memory and the reclaimable memory of the machine.  

Well - it depends, I think.  In principle, I would like to be
conservative (i.e. set the limit as high as possible), since a too low
limit could possibly make my program fail.

> On the laptop I'm using right now, physical memory is 1G.  Free memory
> is 278M, and free plus reclaimable memory is 590M.  I'm just running
> Firefox and X, so the OS as allocated a lot of memory to caches.

But lots of the memory in use is likely to be inactive (not in the
current working set of any application), and will be pushed to swap if
you start asking for more.  Which is often what you want.

If I interpret these numbers correctly, my laptop is using 1.5G on stuff
that is basically idle - word processor documents, PDF displayers, a ton
of web pages (with all the flash carefully filtered out), emacs buffers,
a half-finished inkscape graphic, and so on.  Most of this could easily
go to swap.

> Note that if you limit the GHC runtime to free plus reclaimable
> memory, and some other process is chewing up memory, the GHC limit
> would be small.  

Or if you run two copies of your program - then one would get all the
memory, and the other none.

> But this would ensure both do not thrash, a good thing, right? 

Unless the second program actually *needs* the memory.

So I still think the 80% rule is pretty good - it's simple, and
although it isn't optimal in all cases, it's conservative in that any
larger bound is almost certainly going to thrash.

You could probably invent more advanced memory behavior on top of that,
say switching to compacting GC if you detect thrashing.

If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants

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