[Haskell-cafe] Type families again
Ganesh Sittampalam
ganesh at earth.li
Sat Dec 4 00:22:27 CET 2010
On Thu, 2 Dec 2010, Robert Greayer wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 2, 2010 at 4:39 PM, Antoine Latter <aslatter at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Thu, Dec 2, 2010 at 3:29 PM, Andrew Coppin
>> <andrewcoppin at btinternet.com> wrote:
>>> What we /can't/ do is define a polymorphic map function. One might try to do
>>> something like
>>> class Functor f where
>>> type Element f :: *
>>> fmap :: (Element f2 ~ y) => (x -> y) -> f -> f2
>>> instance Functor [x] where
>>> type Element [x] = x
>>> fmap = map
>>> However, this fails. Put simply, the type for fmap fails to specify that f
>>> and f2 must be /the same type of thing/, just with different element types.
>>> The trouble is, after spending quite a bit of brainpower, I literally cannot
>>> think of a way of writing such a constraint. Does anybody have any
>>> suggestions?
>> Does this do what you need?
>> http://hackage.haskell.org/packages/archive/rmonad/0.6/doc/html/Control-RMonad.html#t:RFunctor
>> Antoine
> I think this doesn't handle the ByteString case (wrong kind). Here's
> another mostly unsatisfactory (injectivity issues) solution that may
> possibly not even work though it does compile:
I spent a while looking at this a couple of months ago after a similar
question. What I came up with is below; I haven't got as far as
deciding whether or how to incorporate this into rmonad. Also, the Const
type actually already exists in Control.Applicative.
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, TypeFamilies, MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances, ScopedTypeVariables, RankNTypes #-}
module Control.RMonad.Wibble where
import Control.RMonad
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BSC
import Data.Suitable
import GHC.Word (Word8)
-- Part I
-- a little warmup: ByteStrings
-- We have two choices for BSWrapper. Either make
-- it a GADT, which means we can leave out the match on the
-- argument constraints below, or make it a H98 phantom.
-- The second option seems cleaner and more symmetric.
-- It also means we can us newtype to avoid runtime overhead.
-- data BSWrapper a where
-- BSWrapper :: ByteString -> BSWrapper Word8
newtype BSWrapper a = BSWrapper ByteString
data instance Constraints BSWrapper a = (a ~ Word8) => BSConstraints
instance Suitable BSWrapper Word8 where
constraints = BSConstraints
instance RFunctor BSWrapper where
-- We could also use withResConstraints by rearranging the arguments to mymap so Constraints is last
fmap = mymap constraints constraints
where mymap :: forall x y . Constraints BSWrapper x -> Constraints BSWrapper y -> (x -> y) -> BSWrapper x -> BSWrapper y
mymap BSConstraints BSConstraints f (BSWrapper x) = BSWrapper (BS.map f x)
-- Part II
-- OK, now let's generalise:
-- Having a class here rather than a plain type family isn't really necessary,
-- but it feels natural
class SingletonContainer c where
type ContainedType c :: *
-- data SingletonWrapper c a where
-- SingletonWrapper :: SingletonContainer c => c -> SingletonWrapper c (ContainedType c)
-- This is just a generic Const type. Is there a standard one somewhere else?
newtype SingletonWrapper c a = SingletonWrapper c
data instance Constraints (SingletonWrapper c) a = (a ~ ContainedType c) => SingletonConstraints
-- important to use the type equality constraint here instead of inlining it
-- on the RHS, as otherwise instance resolution would get stuck
instance (a ~ ContainedType c) => Suitable (SingletonWrapper c) a where
constraints = SingletonConstraints
class SingletonContainer c => Mappable c where
lmap :: (ContainedType c -> ContainedType c) -> c -> c
instance Mappable c => RFunctor (SingletonWrapper c) where
fmap = mymap constraints constraints
where mymap :: forall x y
. Constraints (SingletonWrapper c) x
-> Constraints (SingletonWrapper c) y
-> (x -> y)
-> SingletonWrapper c x
-> SingletonWrapper c y
mymap SingletonConstraints SingletonConstraints f (SingletonWrapper x) = SingletonWrapper (lmap f x)
-- so, why is Word8 the blessed instance? Why not Char (from Data.ByteString.Char8)?
instance SingletonContainer ByteString where
type ContainedType ByteString = Word8
-- Part III
-- and finally, let's try to generalise the Singleton concept:
-- using the Const concept again...
newtype Const a b = Const a
instance Show a => Show (Const a b) where
show (Const x) = show x
data instance Constraints (Const ByteString) a =
(a ~ Word8) => BSConstraintsWord8
| (a ~ Char) => BSConstraintsChar
instance Suitable (Const ByteString) Word8 where
constraints = BSConstraintsWord8
instance Suitable (Const ByteString) Char where
constraints = BSConstraintsChar
instance RFunctor (Const ByteString) where
fmap = mymap constraints constraints
where mymap :: forall x y
. Constraints (Const ByteString) x
-> Constraints (Const ByteString) y
-> (x -> y) -> Const ByteString x -> Const ByteString y
mymap BSConstraintsWord8 BSConstraintsWord8 f (Const x) = Const (BS.map f x)
mymap BSConstraintsChar BSConstraintsChar f (Const x) = Const (BSC.map f x)
-- but what can we do with the "cross-product" cases?
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