[Haskell-cafe] Unix emulation

Martin DeMello martindemello at gmail.com
Sun Aug 22 10:54:55 EDT 2010

On Sun, Aug 22, 2010 at 5:04 PM, Stephen Tetley
<stephen.tetley at gmail.com> wrote:
> Andrew, I was going to chastise you for being the only Windows
> developer who has problems with MinGW / MSYS and spreading that
> unpleasant internet commodity "FUD". However, I've just gone back to
> mingw.org and its gone from "somewhat confusing" circa the last time I
> installed (Christmas 2009) to "frankly abysmal". So while is was easy
> to install MinGW / MSys a year ago I'll willing concede that it is
> difficult now.

Agreed. I tried to set up an msys development environment to compile
chicken scheme a couple of weeks ago, and, quite frankly, gave up. I
settled for installing mingw and putting the mingw bin directory first
in my cygwin path. This worked very well indeed, even though it isn't
an officially supported chicken build environment, so it's worth
experimenting with for haskell as well. (Note that it needs a reboot
of windows after setting up the cygwin environment variables; I never
figured out why).


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