[Haskell-cafe] Re: Specific to General to Specific
oleg at okmij.org
oleg at okmij.org
Thu Aug 19 03:51:05 EDT 2010
Given a widely parameterized type class
> class Monad (m g n) => GenericNetworkMonad g m n where
> ret :: a -> m g n a
> ret = return
the question seems to be about defining a specialized alias of it,
instantiating the parameters g m n in some way. The hope is that the
alias has fewer parameters and so is more convenient to use.
Would not the standard approach of defining aliases work then? For
> class NetworkMonad mg n where
> instance GenericNetworkMonad g m n => NetworkMonad (m g) n where
Granted, we would have to write boilerplate as we have to re-direct
specialized methods to the general ones.
Here is the complete code
> {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
> data family GNT g :: * -> * -> *
> data family GNQ g :: * -> * -> *
> class Monad (m g n) => GenericNetworkMonad g m n where
> ret :: a -> m g n a
> ret = return
> -- A few instances
> data instance GNT Int n a = GNT_Int a -- n is phantom
> data instance GNQ Int n a = GNQ_Int a
> instance Monad (GNT Int n) where
> return = GNT_Int
> GNT_Int x >>= f = f x
> instance Monad (GNQ Int n) where
> return = GNQ_Int
> GNQ_Int x >>= f = f x
> type NT n a = GNT Int n a
> type NQ n a = GNQ Int n a
> instance GenericNetworkMonad Int GNT n
> instance GenericNetworkMonad Int GNQ n
> genericMonadicValue :: GenericNetworkMonad g m n => m g n ()
> genericMonadicValue = ret ()
> monadicValue :: GenericNetworkMonad Int m n => m Int n ()
> monadicValue = ret ()
> class NetworkMonad mg n where
> mv'' :: mg n ()
> instance GenericNetworkMonad g m n => NetworkMonad (m g) n where
> mv'' = genericMonadicValue
> monadicValue'' :: NetworkMonad m n => m n ()
> monadicValue'' = mv''
In general, the Apply class trick should work for defining arbitrary
aliases to class constraints. One Apply constraint is all one ever
needs in Haskell:
Here is the instance of this trick, adopted to use type families
rather than functional dependencies (no UndecidableInstances is
required now):
> class Apply label where
> type Typ label :: *
> apply :: label -> Typ label
> data NM (mg :: * -> * -> *) n = NM
> instance GenericNetworkMonad g m n => Apply (NM (m g) n) where
> type Typ (NM (m g) n) = m g n ()
> apply _ = genericMonadicValue
> monadicValue''' ::
> forall mg n m. (Apply (NM mg n),
> Typ (NM mg n) ~ m n ()) =>
> m n ()
> monadicValue''' = apply (NM :: NM mg n)
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