[Haskell-cafe] Assorted AT fun and games
Ivan Lazar Miljenovic
ivan.miljenovic at gmail.com
Sun Aug 15 10:10:44 EDT 2010
Andrew Coppin <andrewcoppin at btinternet.com> writes:
> It all began with
> class (Vector (Point x)) => HasSpace x where
> type Point x :: *
> So far, so good.
> I was rather surprised that you _can_ write
> class (Complete (Completed x)) => Incomplete x where
> type Completed x :: *
> complete :: x -> Completed x
> I was almost as surprised to discover that you _cannot_ write
> class (HasSpace x, Complete (Completed x), HasSpace (Completed x),
> Point x ~ Point (Completed x)) => Incomplete where...
> It just means that every time you write an Incomplete instance, you
> might have to add the Point constraint manually. Which is mildly
> irritating.
Yeah... have to wait until at least 6.16 by all accounts :(
> More worrying, adding Point foo ~ Point bar to an instance declaration
> causes GHC to demand that you turn on Undecidable Instances, for
> reasons beyond my comprehension.
Because the type-checker isn't smart enough to figure this out itself.
And if you think yours is bad... (code taken from the new FGL):
| class (InductiveGraph (g n e)) => MappableGraph g n e where
| gmap :: (InductiveGraph (g n' e')) => (Context (g n e) -> Context (g n' e'))
| -> g n e -> g n' e'
| gmap f = fromContexts . map f . toContexts
| nmap :: ( InductiveGraph (g n' e)
| , Node (g n e) ~ Node (g n' e)
| , EdgeLabel (g n e) ~ EdgeLabel (g n' e))
| => (NodeLabel (g n e) -> NodeLabel (g n' e))
| -> g n e -> g n' e
| nmap f = gmap f'
| where
| f' (Context ei n l eo) = Context ei n (f l) eo
| emap :: ( InductiveGraph (g n e')
| , Node (g n e) ~ Node (g n e')
| , NodeLabel (g n e) ~ NodeLabel (g n e'))
| => (EdgeLabel (g n e) -> EdgeLabel (g n e'))
| -> g n e -> g n e'
| emap f = gmap f'
| where
| f' (Context ei n l eo) = Context (applyF ei) n l (applyF eo)
| applyF = map (second f)
Since we can't apply constraints in the type-class, we have to apply
them in the methods :s
> It's also interesting that when you write a class instance that has
> some constraint on it, and then you try to write a subclass instance,
> you still have to repeat the exact same constraint, even though the
> superclass instance declaration implies it. The only reason I can
> think of is that theoretically somebody could add a new superclass
> instance without the constraint. (Wouldn't that be an overlapping
> instance though?)
What do you mean? If it's what I think you mean, it's nothing specific
to type families:
| instance Eq a => Eq (Set a) where
| t1 == t2 = (size t1 == size t2) && (toAscList t1 == toAscList t2)
| instance Ord a => Ord (Set a) where
| compare s1 s2 = compare (toAscList s1) (toAscList s2)
We have to specifically state that a is ordered even though Ord is a
sub-class of Eq...
> And now things get *really* interesting. Consider this:
> data Foo x = Foo !x !(Point x)
> Surprisingly, GHC accepts this. This despite the rather obvious fact
> that "Point x" can exist if and only if "x" has a HasSpace
> instance. And yet, the type definition appears to say that "x" is
> simply an unconstrained type variable. Intriguing...
Yeah, I'm not sure if I like or don't like this behaviour. It's good
from the "we shouldn't put class constraints in data types" perspective,
but bad from the "wtf does that even mean for non-instances?"
> Next, you can't derive Eq or Show for this type, but you *can* declare
> them manually:
> instance (Show x, Show (Point x)) => Show (Foo x) where
> show (Foo x px) = "Foo (" ++ show x ++ ") (" ++ show px ++ ")"
Yes, this slightly annoys me as well; Show is easy, Read is more
annoying. I've resorted to specifying a non-TF version and then using
derive to work out what the instance should looks like and then tweaking
it myself.
> Again, no hint of the fact that this will only work if we have
> HasSpace x. And yet GHC happily accepts this.
I'm guessing it's implied somehow... but yeah :s
> I'm starting to think maybe I'm pushing the type system further than
> it can cope, and I should just completely redesign the whole thing...
Nah, push it as far as you can:
* We need people to push it and find weird things like this to see what
is weird and what can be fixed.
* It will save you from converting it back down the track when type
families take over the world... ;-)
Ivan Lazar Miljenovic
Ivan.Miljenovic at gmail.com
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