[Haskell-cafe] What is <-

Jochem Berndsen jochem at functor.nl
Sun Aug 8 11:38:17 EDT 2010

michael rice wrote:
> That was my suspicion. So, you can't change horses (monads) in mid-stream.
> A parallel question:
> main = do ...    -- in the IO monad
> I know I can have other *do*s in main,
>   if foo
>     then do
>               .
>               .
>     else do
>              .
>              .
> but must all these other *do*s also be in the same IO monad?

Yes, if you write it like that, they have to. Let us take as an example
(in the IO monad):
f = do
  x <- getLine
  if null x
    then y
    else z

Desugaring gives:
f =
  getLine >>= (\x -> if null x then y else z)

Since getLine :: IO String and (>>=) :: Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) ->
m b, we see that
  m = IO
  a = String
So the type of (\x -> if null x then y else z) in the above expression
will be String -> IO b. This means that the parameter x will be of type
String, and "if null x then y else z" will be of type IO b. This implies
that y and z both will be of type IO b. So if you write y and z as a
do-block, this will be in the IO monad.

However, there is no special rule that says "in an expression all
do-blocks must have the same type". E.g., the following is a valid
  do -- in the Maybe monad.
    return Nothing
    listToMaybe $ do -- in the [] monad.
      return 4

> determines what monad a *do* is "in"? The first line after the *do*?

Type inference. E.g.
f = do
  return []
will be of type Monad m => m [a].
There is nothing special about monads in this regard, only the
"do"-notation is special: it is desugared as described elsewhere in the
thread and in the Report.

HTH, Jochem

Jochem Berndsen | jochem at functor.nl

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