[Haskell-cafe] Playing with ATs again

Ivan Lazar Miljenovic ivan.miljenovic at gmail.com
Thu Aug 5 02:55:50 EDT 2010

On 5 August 2010 16:48, Gregory Crosswhite <gcross at phys.washington.edu> wrote:
>  On 8/4/10 11:40 PM, Andrew Coppin wrote:
>> Ivan Lazar Miljenovic wrote:
>>> Don't forget, GHC is open source: if this lack really was "dumb" and
>>> annoying you, there was nothing stopping you from rectifying this
>>> situation up until now.
>> Except that, in the real world, this is actually completely infeasible.
>> Yes, I know it's the basic tenant of OSS that you can modify the program to
>> do whatever you want. But in reality, something like GHC is far too large
>> and complex for this to be a realistic possibility. And this holds for most
>> other nontrivial software too.
> Fair enough, but if one can't do better one's self then one should be
> careful about calling the work of others "dumb", which was the original
> point.

Exactly.  Either do it yourself or be grateful that someone has done
_something_, even if it isn't as good as you like.  It's not like
you're paying for it...

Ivan Lazar Miljenovic
Ivan.Miljenovic at gmail.com

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