[Haskell-cafe] Suggestions For An Intro To Monads Talk.
Alexander Solla
ajs at 2piix.com
Tue Aug 3 23:10:18 EDT 2010
On Aug 3, 2010, at 2:51 PM, aditya siram wrote:
> I am looking for suggestions on how to introduce the concept and its
> implications. I'd also like to include a section on why monads exist
> and why we don't really see them outside of Haskell.
Start with functors (things that attach values/functions/functors to
values in an algebra). Move on to applicative functors (functors that
can interpret the thing that is getting things attached to it). Move
on to monads (applicative functors where you can explicitly control
the order of evaluation/interpretation).
Monads exist because every adjunction generates a monad, every monad
generates an adjunction, and adjunctions are everywhere. Any time you
can put things "next to" each other, you can create a monad that
captures the notion. A monad corresponds to putting things to the
left (at least syntactically) of the "main" object. A comonad
corresponds to putting things to the right of the main object
(assuming we observe the "monad = left" convention).
There are monads every where. They typically carry around extra
structure in other programming languages. That is, you can't quantify
over them, because they have been specialized. For example, any
language that has a "map" function automatically supports monadic
computation, in virtue of the fact that map accepts one argument
functions. (I.e., functions where the function's name goes on the
left, and the argument goes on the right)
sub minus_one = { $x = @_[0]; return $x * (-1); }
return map minus_one
map double
map square [1.. 10]
(I hardly remember Perl now though...) Notice that you can't change
the order of the operations without changing the semantics. This is
strictly a monadic computation, in Perl, PHP, etc. Ruby is a little
nicer than Perl, since it allows functors other than lists. If you
make a class a member of the Enumerate mixin, you can call .each on
the class's instances, give it a monadic (one argument) function, and
it returns a new functor over the relevant type of object.
funky_tree.each { node | node.value.square.double.minus_one }
(in the function composition case, or ... in the "structurally
moandic" case:)
funky_tree.each { node | node.value }
.each { value | square value }
.each { square' | double square' }
.each { doubled | minus_one double }
I doubt this is legal Ruby either. It's been a few years since I
touched it.
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