[Haskell-cafe] FRP for game programming / artifical life
Ben Christy
ben.christy at gmail.com
Thu Apr 22 22:14:35 EDT 2010
I agree, thank you for the info.
On Thu, Apr 22, 2010 at 9:57 PM, Duane Johnson <duane.johnson at gmail.com>wrote:
> This is really good stuff, Luke. I am interested in learning more,
> especially in seeing examples or actual game code that implement the more
> common parts of a game. I build a game ("silkworm") in Haskell that was one
> of my first Haskell programs. The code was not pretty, and I always felt
> there was a better way. It seems you are on to a better way.
> When you're ready, I'll be watching for the announcement ;)
> Regards,
> Duane Johnson
> On Apr 21, 2010, at 6:39 PM, Luke Palmer wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 4:47 PM, Ben Christy <ben.christy at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> I have an interest in both game programming and artificial life. I have
> recently stumbled on Haskell and would like to take a stab at programming a
> simple game using FRP such as YAMPA or Reactive but I am stuck. I am not
> certain which one I should choose. It seems that Reactive is more active
> but
> is it suitable for game programming. Also has anyone attempted to implement
> neural networks using FRP if so again which of these two approaches to FRP
> would you suggest?
> I am in the process of writing a game using FRP. I haven't followed
> reactive in a while, but last I checked it had some rather annoying
> issues, such as joinE (monad join on events) not working and an open
> space leak. So we are using a Yampa-like approach, but not
> specifically Yampa. However most of the game logic is *not* in AFRP
> ("arrowized" FRP) style, it is just there to give a nice foundation
> and top level game loop, playing much the same role as IO does in many
> Haskell programs (but it is implemented purely!).
> The workhorse of our game has so far been "generalized differentials".
> While not entirely rigorous, they have provided a very nice framework
> in which to express our thoughts and designs, and are very good at
> "highly dynamic" situations which appear in games. For example, with
> arrows it is painful to maintain a list of moving actors such that can
> be added and removed. With differentials this is quite natural.
> I haven't published the differential library yet, I am waiting until
> we have used them enough to discover essential techniques and find a
> nice bases for primitives. But I will give a sketch here. Let the
> types be your guide, as I am implementing from memory without a
> compiler :-P
> import qualified Data.Accessor.Basic as Acc
> import Data.VectorSpace
> import Control.Comonad
> A differential is implemented as a function that takes a timestep and
> returns an update function. Don't expose the D constructor; step is
> okay to expose, it's kind of a generalized "linear approximation".
> newtype D a = D { step :: Double -> a -> a }
> instance Monoid (D a) where
> mempty = D (const id)
> mappend da db = D (\dt -> step da dt . step db dt)
> Given a differential for a component of a value, we can construct a
> differential for that value.
> accessor :: Acc.T s a -> D a -> D s
> accessor acc da = D (Acc.modify acc . step da)
> Given a differential for each component of a tuple, we can find the
> differential for the tuple.
> product :: D a -> D b -> D (a, b)
> product da db = D (\dt (x,y) -> (step da dt x, step db dt y))
> A differential can depend on the current value.
> dependent :: (a -> D a) -> D a
> dependent f = D (\dt x -> step (f x) dt x)
> Vectors can be treated directly as differentials over themselves.
> vector :: (VectorSpace v, Scalar v ~ Double) => v -> D v
> vector v = D (\dt x -> x ^+^ dt *^ v)
> Impulses allow non-continuous "burst" changes, such as adding/removing
> an element from a list of actors. This is the only function that bugs
> me. Incorrectly using it you can determine the framerate, which is
> supposed be hidden. But if used correctly; i.e. only trigger them on
> passing conditions, they can be quite handy. But my eyes and ears are
> open for alternatives.
> impulse :: (a -> a) -> D a
> impulse f = D (const f)
> If we can can find the differential for an element of some comonad
> given its context, we can find the differential for the whole
> structure. (Our "game world" is a comonad, that's why this is in
> here)
> comonad :: (Comonad w) => (w a -> D a) -> D (w a)
> comonad f = D (\dt -> let h w = step (f w) dt (extract w) in extend h)
> I add new primitives at the drop of a hat. I would like to find a nice
> combinator basis, but as yet, one hasn't jumped out at me. It might
> require some tweaking of the concept.
> The arrow we are using is implemented in terms of differentials:
> data Continuous a b = forall s. Continuous s (s -> a -> (b, D s))
> instance Category Continuous where
> id = Continuous () (\() x -> (x, mempty))
> Continuous sg0 g . Continuous sf0 f = MkC (sg0,sf0) $ \(sg,sf) x ->
> let !(y, df) = f sf x -- mind the strict patterns
> !(z, dg) = g sg y in
> (z, product dg df)
> Exercise: implement the Arrow and ArrowLoop instances.
> And here is where it comes together. Integration over generalized
> differentials is a continuous arrow:
> integral :: Continuous (D a) a
> integral a0 = Continuous a0 (,)
> So our game loop looks something like:
> dGameState :: Input -> D GameState
> dGameState = ... -- built out of simpler Ds of its components
> mainGame = proc input -> do
> gameState <- integral initialGameState -< dGameState input
> returnA -< drawGameState gameState
> This is my first experience with functional game programming, and so
> far I love it! It makes so much more sense than the imperative
> alternative. But the techniques are quite new and different as well,
> and sometimes it takes a lot of thinking to figure out how to do
> something that would be obvious for an experienced imperative game
> programmer. But I consider it a virtue: it's a chance to re-evaluate
> all the nonsense we've built up over the years and pioneer the field
> all over again.
> I hope this helps. If you go with a different approach, please write
> about it!
> Luke
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