[Haskell-cafe] Why does the transformers/mtl 'Error' class exist?

Ryan Ingram ryani.spam at gmail.com
Tue Apr 20 17:29:49 EDT 2010

On Sat, Apr 17, 2010 at 2:52 PM, Henning Thielemann
<schlepptop at henning-thielemann.de> wrote:
> Ryan Ingram schrieb:
>> It's used in the implementation of "fail" for those monads.
>> class Monad m where
>>   ...
>>   fail :: String -> m a
>>   fail = error  -- default implementation
>> which is then used to desugar do-notation when pattern matching fails:
>>    do
>>        Left x <- something
>>        return x
>> =>
>>     something >>= \v -> case v of { Left x -> return x ; _ -> fail
>> "Pattern match failure ..." }
>> You can argue about whether "fail" belongs in Monad (and many people
>> have), but that's why it is how it is.
> I also prefered to not support the fail method in this way and wrote:
>  http://hackage.haskell.org/packages/archive/explicit-exception/0.1.4/doc/html/Control-Monad-Exception-Synchronous.html

I find that having pattern match desugar to "fail", and supporting
fail, can lead to extremely concise, clear code.

For example, an excerpt from some type checking/inference code I wrote:

data Equal a b = (a ~ b) => Refl

data Typ a where
   TInt :: Typ Int
   TBool :: Typ Bool
   TList :: Typ a -> Typ [a]
   TArrow :: Typ a -> Typ b -> Typ (a -> b)

eqT :: Typ a -> Typ b -> Maybe (Equal a b)
eqT TInt TInt = return Refl
eqT TBool TBool = return Refl
eqT (TList a) (TList b) = do
    Refl <- eqT a b
    return Refl
eqT (TArrow a1 a2) (TArrow b1 b2) = do
    Refl <- eqT a1 b1
    Refl <- eqT a2 b2
    return Refl
eqT _ _ = fail "not equal"

This relies heavily on the pattern match desugaring to "case", which
brings the type equality (a ~ b) into scope, and "fail" returning
Nothing.  For example, the list case:

desugaring eqT (TList TInt) (TList TInt), with all operations on the
Maybe monad inlined and simplified

we have
   ta = TList TInt :: Typ a, tb :: TList TInt :: Typ b, for some a, b

eqT = case ta of
   (TList ta1) ->
-- now we have a ~ [a1] for some a1
   case tb of
       (TList tb1) ->
-- now we have b ~ [b1] for some b1
          case eqT ta1 tb1 of
               Just Refl ->
-- now we have a1 ~ b1, which gives us [a1] ~ [b1], which gives us a ~ b
                    Just Refl
               _ -> Nothing

  -- ryan

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