[Haskell-cafe] Re: instance Eq (a -> b)
Ashley Yakeley
ashley at semantic.org
Sat Apr 17 18:35:15 EDT 2010
roconnor at theorem.ca wrote:
> As ski noted on #haskell we probably want to extend this to work on
> Compact types and not just Finite types
> instance (Compact a, Eq b) => Eq (a -> b) where ...
> For example (Int -> Bool) is a perfectly fine Compact set that isn't
> finite and (Int -> Bool) -> Int has a decidable equality in Haskell
> (which Oleg claims that everyone knows ;).
> I don't know off the top of my head what the class member for Compact
> should be. I'd guess it should have a member search :: (a -> Bool) -> a
> with the specificaiton that p (search p) = True iff p is True from some
> a. But I'm not sure if this is correct or not. Maybe someone know knows
> more than I do can claify what the member of the Compact class should be.
> <http://math.andrej.com/2007/09/28/seemingly-impossible-functional-programs/>
Here's a first attempt, which works when I tried comparing values of
type ((Integer -> Bool) -> Bool). It needs some generalisation, however.
I want to be able to write these:
instance (Countable a,Countable b) => Countable (a,b)
instance (Countable c,Compact b) => Compact (c -> b)
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
module Compact where
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Prelude
class Countable a where
countPrevious :: a -> Maybe a
countDown :: (Countable a) => a -> [a]
countDown a = case countPrevious a of
Just a' -> a':(countDown a')
Nothing -> []
instance Countable () where
countPrevious () = Nothing
instance Countable Bool where
countPrevious True = Just False
countPrevious False = Nothing
instance Countable Integer where
countPrevious 0 = Nothing
countPrevious a | a < 0 = Just (- a - 1)
countPrevious a = Just (- a)
instance (Countable a) => Countable (Maybe a) where
countPrevious = fmap countPrevious
class Compact a where
search :: (a -> Bool) -> Maybe a
forsome :: (a -> Bool) -> Bool
forsome = isJust . search
forevery :: (Compact a) => (a -> Bool) -> Bool
forevery p = not (forsome (not . p))
instance (Compact a) => Compact (Maybe a) where
search mab = if mab Nothing
then Just Nothing
else fmap Just (search (mab . Just))
prepend :: (Countable c) => b -> (c -> b) -> c -> b
prepend b cb c = case countPrevious c of
Just c' -> cb c'
Nothing -> b
find_i :: (Countable c) => ((c -> Bool) -> Bool) -> c -> Bool
find_i cbb = let
b = forsome(cbb . (prepend True)) in
prepend b (find_i (cbb . (prepend b)))
instance (Countable c) => Compact (c -> Bool) where
forsome cbb = cbb (find_i cbb)
search cbb = if forsome cbb then Just(find_i cbb) else Nothing
instance (Compact a,Eq b) => Eq (a -> b) where
p == q = forevery (\a -> p a == q a)
class (Compact a,Countable a) => Finite a where
allValues :: [a]
finiteSearch :: (Finite a) => (a -> Bool) -> Maybe a
finiteSearch p = find p allValues
instance Compact () where
search = finiteSearch
instance Finite () where
allValues = [()]
instance Compact Bool where
search = finiteSearch
instance Finite Bool where
allValues = [False,True]
instance (Finite a) => Finite (Maybe a) where
allValues = Nothing:(fmap Just allValues)
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