[Haskell-cafe] True Random Numbers
Yitzchak Gale
gale at sefer.org
Thu Apr 15 09:03:08 EDT 2010
Christopher Done wrote:
> betterStdGen :: IO StdGen
Here's what I have been using. It's a bit more complete.
Of course, you can always use mkStdGen with
it to get one of those if you want. (Yes, I often
do that. StdGen is much maligned, but it's pretty good
at what it's designed for.)
module DevRandom where
import System.IO
import System.IO.Error
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc
import Foreign.Storable
import Foreign.Ptr
data BlockingMode = Blocking | NonBlocking
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- Read data from the system random device.
-- Return Nothing if there is currently not
-- enough entropy in the system random device.
devRandom :: Storable a => IO (Maybe a)
devRandom = readDev "/dev/random" NonBlocking
-- Read data from the system random device.
-- If necessary, wait until there is
-- enough entropy in the system random device.
devRandomWait :: Storable a => IO a
devRandomWait = readDev dev Blocking >>= maybe (devRandomError dev) return
dev = "/dev/random"
-- Read data from the system random device.
-- If there is currently not enough entropy
-- in the system random device, use a lower
-- quality source of randomness instead.
devURandom :: Storable a => IO a
devURandom = readDev dev NonBlocking >>= maybe (devRandomError dev) return
dev = "/dev/urandom"
readDev :: Storable a => FilePath -> BlockingMode -> IO (Maybe a)
readDev dev mode = do
h <- openFile dev ReadMode
hSetBuffering h NoBuffering
alloca $ getMaybe h undefined
getMaybe :: Storable a => Handle -> a -> Ptr a -> IO (Maybe a)
getMaybe h undef ptr = do
let size = sizeOf undef
n <- case mode of
Blocking -> hGetBuf h ptr size
NonBlocking -> hGetBufNonBlocking h ptr size
if n < size
then return Nothing
else fmap Just $ peek ptr
devRandomError :: FilePath -> IO a
devRandomError p = ioError $ mkIOError illegalOperationErrorType
"Unable to read from the system random device" Nothing (Just p)
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