[Haskell-cafe] Re: cabal: other-modules

Johannes Waldmann waldmann at imn.htwk-leipzig.de
Thu Apr 15 08:40:03 EDT 2010

What happened was this:

1. add some modules to a library (but forget to mention them in the cabal file),
   then (in the lib source dir, without cleaning/reconfiguring) 
   "cabal install --global" (runs without complaint)

2. re-compile an application that uses the library 
   (cabal configure && cabal build): this gave "undefined symbol" errors
   (for things from the added modules)

(with ghc-6.12.1 on i386 debian)

I still don't see why this "other-modules" is needed.
Ok, I understand the technical reason that cabal 
does not do dependency analysis but morally, it should?

Best regards - J.W.

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