[Haskell-cafe] Re: GSoC: Hackage 2.0

Stephen Tetley stephen.tetley at gmail.com
Fri Apr 9 13:45:53 EDT 2010

Hello all

I support the immediate aims of Matthew Gruen's proposal and hope it
gets adopted as a SoC project, but for the 'web2.0' aspects I largely
agree with Nick Bowler.

As a package author, checking disparate wiki pages to help people is
more work than answering emails. Also, if people have install problems
with (other peoples) packages on Windows and post a problem report to
the Cafe, I'll often have a look to see if I can help as it isn't much
trouble provided the dependency depth is near 0. I certainly won't be
able to do that if there is a switch over to wiki for reporting

Best wishes


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