[Haskell-cafe] Re: combinatorial search with running bound
Chung-chieh Shan
ccshan at post.harvard.edu
Wed Sep 30 21:53:02 EDT 2009
I wish I had enough of your code to type-check my code and perhaps even
try running it!
Michael Mossey <mpm at alumni.caltech.edu> wrote in article <3942. at mail.alumni.caltech.edu> in gmane.comp.lang.haskell.cafe:
> -- This is state used in the state monad.
> data SearchState = SearchState { -- running maximum:
> ssMaximum :: Int
> -- remember the full list of right boxes
> -- so we can initiate a new outer loop
> , ssRights :: [Box]
> }
> boxesSep2 :: [Box] -> [Box] -> Int
> boxesSep2 lefts rights =
> let ls = sortBy ((flip compare) `on` rightExtent) lefts
> rs = sortBy ((flip compare) `on` leftExtent) rights
> in fst $ runState (boxesSep2' ls rs) (SearchState minBound rs)
First, ssRights never changes, so it should not be kept inside the state
monad. Also, ssMaximum is already stored in the state, so boxesSep2'
need not return it.
data SearchState = SearchState { ssMaximum :: Int }
boxesSep2 :: [Box] -> [Box] -> Int
boxesSep2 lefts rights =
let ls = sortBy ((flip compare) `on` rightExtent) lefts
rs = sortBy ((flip compare) `on` leftExtent) rights
in ssMaximum (execState (boxesSep2' ls rs) (SearchState minBound))
> boxesSep2' :: [Box] -> [Box] -> State SearchState Int
> -- Termination of algorithm:
> boxesSep2' [] _ = gets ssMaximum
> -- Initiate a new inner loop:
> boxesSep2' (l:ls) [] = do
> rights <- gets ssRights
> boxesSep' ls rights
Instead, boxesSep2' can simply iterate through the left boxes.
boxesSep2' :: [Box] -> [Box] -> State SearchState ()
boxesSep2' ls rs = mapM_ (flip boxesSep2'' rs) ls
> -- Common case:
> boxesSep2' lss@(l:ls) (r:rs) = do
> -- In this way of writing the code, we distinguish between the
> -- left/right separation which is the sum of the extents, and the
> -- question of whether there is vertical overlap.
> let v = isVerticalOverlap l r
> sep = lrSeparation l r
> ss <- get
> let max = ssMaximum ss
> if sep <= max
> then boxesSep' ls (ssRights ss) --Here we "prune" (initiate new inner
> loop)
> else do
> -- Update max is needed:
> when v (put ss { ssMaximum = sep })
> boxesSep' lss rs
The inner loop through the right boxes doesn't need to maintain the full
list of right boxes, because that list is already part of the closure
(flip boxesSep2'' rs) above.
boxesSep2'' :: Box -> [Box] -> State SearchState ()
boxesSep2'' l [] = return ()
boxesSep2'' l (r:rs) = do
let v = isVerticalOverlap l r
sep = lrSeparation l r
max <- gets ssMaximum
when (sep > max) (do
when v (put (SearchState { ssMaximum = sep }))
boxesSep2'' l rs)
Personally, I think it's slightly clearer to drop the SearchState
constructor and use foldl and explicit state-passing instead of mapM_
and the state monad. But that's less crucial than removing the full
rights list from the state. (In the state, the full rights list is a
defunctionalized delimited continuation.)
> When you ask for a pair of boxes, "How closely can they be brought together
> without intersection?" that provides a lower bound on the question "How
> closely can the groups be brought together?" (I.e. for that pair of boxes,
> bring them any closer and they intersect, so it is a lower bound.) The
> maximum of all these lower bounds in the minimum needed separation.
I think I see.
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