Fwd: [Haskell-cafe] I read somewhere that for 90% of a wide class of computing problems, you only need 10% of the source code in Haskell, that you would in an imperative language.

Alberto G. Corona agocorona at gmail.com
Wed Sep 30 15:23:21 EDT 2009

Again, i missed to forward the message to the list:

I experince also the drug effect. Evolutionary psychologists would say that,
because it was vital for our survival, since the stone age, we appreciate
any tool powerful enough to solve many problems while at the same time
remain simple. So whenever the utility versus learning.-using-,maintaining
 costs of a tool is low. then the tool is more appreciated and more pleasure
we experiencie by using it. That applies either to a sword, a horse, a car
or a programming language.
Haskell has an  execution strategy and a type system that cares for himself
about code consistency and a reasonable optimization,  It has only a few
keywords, and a intuitive syntax , But combining the security that gives the
first two factors and the flexibility of the other two, one can reach high
levels of abstraction maintaining a high degree of confidence in the
generated code, And such code can be applied to a wider variety of

For that matter I think that while other languages can borrow some features
of haskell, they will never have the power that can be achieved by having
them all. And most of them are deep in the core.

2009/9/30 Peter Verswyvelen <bugfact at gmail.com>

Yep, LINQ makes C# more enjoyable :-)  Scala and haXe also look nice, a bit
> of a mix between OCaml/F#, C#/Java and Haskell.
> Besides the fact that hacking in Haskell is a great deal of fun, the main
> reason I see for learning Haskell: it makes you a better programmer.  After
> a couple of years of playing with Haskell, I can now solve problems that I
> couldn't before. It's of course hard to tell if Haskell is the reason here,
> or just experience, but I feel it really is Haskell (actually, functional
> programming). Haskell made me see the world in a different way (and if I see
> Oleg's and co's code, I still have an infinitely long road ahead.
> The main reason why you should not learn Haskell: it's a bit of a drug;
> after you learned Haskell, programming in an "industrial strength" language
> suddenly feels like a waste of time, time better spent learning more
> Haskell...
> On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 10:26 AM, Deniz Dogan <deniz.a.m.dogan at gmail.com>wrote:
>> 2009/9/30 Andrew Coppin <andrewcoppin at btinternet.com>:
>> > (Mr C++ argues that homo sapiens fundamentally think in an imperative
>> way,
>> > and therefore functional programming in general will never be popular.
>> Sounds more like Mr C++ fundamentally thinks in an imperative way
>> because that's what he is used to.
>> I recently started working with C# and struggled for way too long with
>> for/foreach loops to do things that in Haskell could be expressed
>> using only folding, mapping and filtering. When I realised that those
>> ideas actually exist in System.Linq I suddenly started liking the
>> language a bit more.
>> txtCommaSeparatedNames.Text.Split(',').Select(x => x.Trim()).Where(x
>> => x.Length > 0).Select(x => Convert.ToInt32(x)).ToList();
>> Ah, the joy of FP.
>> --
>> Deniz Dogan
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