[Haskell-cafe] ANN: JSONb-0.0.2

Jason Dusek jason.dusek at gmail.com
Mon Sep 28 06:11:58 EDT 2009

  JSONb is a ByteString parser for JSON, yielding a simple JSON
  type composed of Rationals, ByteString tries and strict


  An example application program, `json-schema`, is provided. It
  derives schema for JSON input. When first looking at a web
  API, for example, you can feed it a few thousand lines of
  input and see what you got. A sample schema, derived from a
  stream of the Twitter API, is here:


  It's worth noting that the schema has a lone object at the
  bottom that has exactly the format of the "user" property of
  the schema ahead of it -- why is that? Well, `json-schema`
  uses a fault tolerant parsing approach; the very last Tweet
  was cut off and the "user" property's value was among the
  things that could be salvaged.

Jason Dusek

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