[Haskell-cafe] Quadratic complexity though use of STArrays
Tobias Olausson
tobsan at gmail.com
Tue Sep 22 16:33:27 EDT 2009
Hi Dan!
You might want to change the following:
shuffleRec :: StdGen -> [a] -> [a]
shuffleRec g list = x:shuffleArr g' xs
(n,g') = randomR (0,length list-1) g
(x:xs') = drop n list
xs = take n list ++ xs'
into the following:
shuffleRec :: StdGen -> [a] -> [a]
shuffleRec g list = x:shuffleRec g' xs
(n,g') = randomR (0,length list-1) g
(x:xs') = drop n list
xs = take n list ++ xs'
Since shuffleRec just called shuffleArr, one would expect them
to run in approximately the same time :-)
2009/9/22 Dan Rosén <danr at student.chalmers.se>:
> Dear haskell-cafe users,
> I am constructing a shuffle function: given an StdGen and a list, return the
> list permuted, with all permutations of equal probability.
> There is the simlpe recursive definition: generate a number from 1 to length
> list, take this element out from the list, call the function recursively on
> the remaining list and then cons the element on the shuffled list.
> A more imperative approach is to make the list an array, and traverse the
> array in reverse, swapping the iterated element with an arbitrary element
> less than or equal to the iterator.
> These functions are implemented as shuffleRec and shuffleArr, respectively.
> What complexity does these functions have?
> I argue that the shuffleArr function should be O(n), since it only contains
> one loop of n, where each loop does actions that are O(1): generating a random
> number and swapping two elements in an array.
> I argue that the shuffleRec function should be O(n^2), since for each call,
> it creates a new list in O(n), with the drop and take calls, and calls itself
> recursively. This yields O(n^2).
> However, they both have the same runnig time (roughly), and through looking
> at the plot it _very_ much looks quadratic.
> I am compiling with GHC and I guess there is something in the lazy semantics
> that confuses me about the complexities, and maybe I have misunderstood how
> STArrays work.
> Any pointers to what's going in is greatly appreciated!
> Best regards,
> Dan Rosén, Sweden
> Here is the code:
> module Main where
> import Control.Monad
> import Control.Monad.ST
> import Data.Array.ST
> import Data.STRef
> import System.Random
> import Time
> import CPUTime
> shuffleArr :: StdGen -> [a] -> [a]
> shuffleArr g list = runST $ do
> let n = length list
> gref <- newSTRef g
> arr <- listToArray list
> forM_ [n,n-1..2] $ \p -> do
> m <- rand (1,p) gref
> swap arr m p
> getElems arr
> where
> rand range gref = do
> g <- readSTRef gref
> let (v,g') = randomR range g
> writeSTRef gref g'
> return v
> swap a n m = do
> [n',m'] <- mapM (readArray a) [n,m]
> mapM (uncurry $ writeArray a) [(m,n'),(n,m')]
> listToArray :: [a] -> ST s (STArray s Int a)
> listToArray list = let n = length list
> in newListArray (1,n) list
> shuffleRec :: StdGen -> [a] -> [a]
> shuffleRec g list = x:shuffleArr g' xs
> where
> (n,g') = randomR (0,length list-1) g
> (x:xs') = drop n list
> xs = take n list ++ xs'
> -- A somewhat lame attempt to derive the complexities through testing,
> -- prints the times for the different functions in a table
> main :: IO ()
> main = do
> let times = take 30 $ iterate (+30000) 10000
> answers <- mapM test times
> sequence_ [ putStrLn $ concatMap ((++ "\t"). show) [toInteger t,arr,rec]
> | (t,(arr,rec)) <- zip times answers
> ]
> -- Perform a test of size n, and return the cycles it took for the different
> -- algorithms in a pair. Evaluation is enforced by seq on length of the list.
> test :: Int -> IO (Integer,Integer)
> test n = do
> let list = [1..n]
> [g1,g2] <- replicateM 2 newStdGen
> length list `seq` do
> s <- doTime ("shuffleArr " ++ show n) $
> (length $ shuffleArr g1 list) `seq` return ()
> s' <- doTime ("shuffleRec " ++ show n) $
> (length $ shuffleRec g2 list) `seq` return ()
> return (s,s')
> -- This is taken from GenUtil from the JHC creator's homepage
> doTime :: String -> IO a -> IO Integer
> doTime str action = do
> start <- getCPUTime
> x <- action
> end <- getCPUTime
> let time = (end - start) `div` 1000000 -- `div` cpuTimePrecision
> -- putStrLn $ "Timing: " ++ str ++ " " ++ show time
> return time
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Tobias Olausson
tobsan at gmail.com
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