[Haskell-cafe] Why the stack overflow?
Daniel Fischer
daniel.is.fischer at web.de
Sat Sep 19 07:54:05 EDT 2009
Am Samstag 19 September 2009 12:37:41 schrieb staafmeister:
> Hi haskell-cafe,
> Why does rlist 100000 [] gives stack overflow in ghci?
> rlist 0 l = return l
> rlist n l = do {x <- randomRIO (1,maxBound::Int); let nl = x:l in nl `seq`
> rlist (n-1) nl}
> I first uses replicateM then foldM and finally an explicit function. But
> they give all stack overflow
> I don't know why 100000 is not absurd and it is tail recursive. Or is it
> not, due to the monad structure?
Prelude System.Random> :set -XBangPatterns
Prelude System.Random> let rlist2 0 l = return l; rlist2 n l = do { !x <- randomRIO
(1,maxBound :: Int); let {nl = x:l}; nl `seq` rlist2 (n-1) nl }
Prelude System.Random> rlist2 10 [] >>= \l -> print (take 3 l) >> print (last l)
Prelude System.Random> rlist2 1000 [] >>= \l -> print (take 3 l) >> print (last l)
Prelude System.Random> rlist2 10000 [] >>= \l -> print (take 3 l) >> print (last l)
Prelude System.Random> rlist2 100000 [] >>= \l -> print (take 3 l) >> print (last l)
Prelude System.Random> rlist2 1000000 [] >>= \l -> print (take 3 l) >> print (last l)
Prelude System.Random> rlist2 10000000 [] >>= \l -> print (take 3 l) >> print (last l)
The problem is that randomRIO doesn't evaluate its result, so you build a long chain of
calls to randomR, which isn't evaluated until the count reaches 0, hence the stack
overflow. Forcing x prevents the long chain from being built.
But better don't use randomRIO, make it a pure function with the PRNG as an argument.
> greetings
> Gerben
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