[Haskell-cafe] ANN: Unification in a Commutative Monoid (cmu 1.1) and a new release of Abelian group unification and matching (agum 2.2)

John D. Ramsdell ramsdell0 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 17 17:39:19 EDT 2009

Package cmu 1.1 provides unification in a commutative monoid, also
know as ACU-unification.  The core computation finds the minimal
non-zero solutions to homogeneous linear Diaphantine equations.  The
linear equation solver has been place in a separate module so it can
be used for other applications

Package agum 2.2 provides unification and matching in an Abelian
group, also know as AG-unification and matching.  The core computation
finds the integer solutions to inhomogeneous linear equations.  The
linear equation solver has been place in a separate module so it can
be used for other applications


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