[Haskell-cafe] How to understand the 'forall' ?
Daniel Fischer
daniel.is.fischer at web.de
Tue Sep 15 17:38:40 EDT 2009
Am Dienstag 15 September 2009 23:13:59 schrieb Cristiano Paris:
> On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 7:16 AM, zaxis <z_axis at 163.com> wrote:
> > Isnot it clear without the 'forall' ?
> > data Branch tok st a = Branch (PermParser tok st (b -> a)) (GenParser tok
> > st b)
> >
> > thanks!
> I elaborated on this and I wish to add my personal way of figuring out
> what the "forall" keyword means.
> When you define:
> foo :: a -> a
> you are actually defining a _function for every type of a_, which can
> be read: for every a there exists a function foo which can operate on
> it (universal quantification).
> When you define something like:
> foo :: forall a. a -> a
This is exactly the same type as
foo :: a -> a
(unless you're using ScopedTypeVariables and there's a type variable a in scope), since
type signatures are implicitly forall'd.
> you are actually defining a _single_ function which must work for
> every a (that's why we use the "forall" keyword). The difference is
> subtle but the direct consequences of this are: a) that one function
> can't use any information about a apart from the fact that it
> eventually belongs to the type classes specified in the context, b) in
> the case of [a] (or any other type of higher kind, * -> *, * -> * -> *
> and so on) you can mix values of different types.
> I hope I haven't written anything wrong :)
> Cristiano
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