[Haskell-cafe] Typeclasses vs simple functions?

Lyndon Maydwell maydwell at gmail.com
Tue Sep 15 10:04:39 EDT 2009

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Lyndon Maydwell <maydwell at gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 10:03 PM
Subject: Re: [Haskell-cafe] Typeclasses vs simple functions?
To: Olex P <hoknamahn at gmail.com>

I think it depends on what is going to be using the functions, data.
As far as I can tell, type classes seem to be used in code designed
for reuse. So if it is just for a small part of a project that is
hidden behind an interface or something, then it's probably fine to
just use data/functions without type classes.

Keep in mind that these are the musings of someone who only recently
began using Haskell. If someone else has a better explanation, then
I'd be interested as well :)

On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 9:57 PM, Olex P <hoknamahn at gmail.com> wrote:
> Well... How this:
> instance Encircled Geometry where
>        perimeter (Sphere _ r) = Nothing
>        perimeter (Circle _ r) = Just $ 2.0 * pi * r
> differs from this:
> perimeter :: Geometry -> Maybe Double
> perimeter (Sphere _ r) = Nothing
> perimeter (Circle _ r) = Just $ 2.0 * pi * r
> and from this:
> perimeter :: Geometry -> Double
> perimeter (Sphere _ r) = 0.0
> perimeter (Circle _ r) = 2.0 * pi * r
> The latter is even simpler because there is no need in extraction of Double
> value from Maybe.
> So the question is still there: do I need a type class?
> On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 12:21 PM, Olex P <hoknamahn at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Sure! I completely forgot about Maybe. The only one question is is it good
>> from the point of view of ordinary user who doesn't know about such things
>> like functional programming, monads etc. Imagine average user who is looking
>> into a spreadsheet and sees values 0.1, 1.4, Nothing... From other side it
>> seems to be logical. Why not.
>> Thanks for the idea :)
>> On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 12:05 PM, Lyndon Maydwell <maydwell at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> I think the problem is that you want to compose a list with no
>>> indication of weather one member can have a perimeter or not. I'm not
>>> sure if this is a good solution or not, but I immediately think to
>>> make all Geometry objects instances of a class that return a Maybe
>>> value for the perimeter:
>>> e.g.
>>> ---
>>> import Data.Maybe
>>> data Geometry = Sphere Position Radius | Circle Position Radius deriving
>>> (Show)
>>> type Position = (Double, Double)
>>> type Radius = Double
>>> type Height = Double
>>> class Encircled x where
>>>        perimeter :: x -> Maybe Double
>>> instance Encircled Geometry where
>>>        perimeter (Sphere _ r) = Nothing
>>>        perimeter (Circle _ r) = Just $ 2.0 * pi * r
>>> list = [Sphere (1,1) 1, Circle (2,2) 2]
>>> main = (print . catMaybes . map perimeter) list
>>> --- [12.566370614359172]
>>> On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 6:29 PM, Olex P <hoknamahn at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> > Hey guys,
>>> >
>>> > It's a dumb question but I'd like to know a right answer...
>>> > Let's say we have some geometry data that can be Sphere, Cylinder,
>>> > Circle
>>> > and so on. We can implement it as new data type plus a bunch of
>>> > functions
>>> > that work on this data:
>>> >
>>> > data Geometry = Sphere Position Radius
>>> >                         | Cylinder Position Radius Height
>>> >                         | Circle Position Radius
>>> >                         deriving (Show)
>>> >
>>> > perimeter (Sphere _ r) = 0.0
>>> > perimeter (Cylinder _ r h) = 0.0
>>> > perimeter (Circle _ r) = 2.0 * pi * r
>>> >
>>> > Perimeter doesn't make sense for Sphere or Cylinder. So we could define
>>> > a
>>> > type class for objects that have perimeter and make an instance of it
>>> > only
>>> > for Circle (data Circle = Circle Position Radius). Make sense. But
>>> > these
>>> > three functions above have desired behaviour. If user has a list of
>>> > objects
>>> > like [Sphere, Circle, Circle, Cylinder] he would like to calculate
>>> > perimeters of each object using map perimerer list (in this case we
>>> > also
>>> > have to modify Geometry data type).
>>> > So we could make instances of "perimeter" type class for all objects
>>> > and
>>> > return zero in case if perimeter doesn't make sense.
>>> > Same as previous version but with typeclasses and with additional
>>> > constructors (constructors for each type of object + constructors in
>>> > Geometry data). Looks a bit overcomplicated.
>>> > Any reasons to use type classes in this case? Maybe there is something
>>> > I'm
>>> > missing?
>>> >
>>> > Cheers,
>>> > -O
>>> >
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