[Haskell-cafe] Re: memoization
John Lato
jwlato at gmail.com
Sun Sep 6 06:38:18 EDT 2009
I agree that your answer is elegant, but it's not an efficient
algorithm in any language. How about this, keeping the rest of your
code the same?
import Data.Array.Diff
import Data.IArray
update :: (Char -> [Int]) -> DiffArray Int ModP -> Char -> DiffArray Int ModP
update lookup arr c = arr // (map calc . lookup $ c)
calc i = (i, (arr ! i) + (arr ! (i-1)))
solve line sol = (foldl' (update lookup) iArray line) ! snd (bounds iArray)
iArray = listArray (0, length sol) $ 1 : map (const 0) sol
lookup c = map (+1) . findIndices (== c) $ sol
I would expect that at least some of the C programs would use the same
algorithm. It's not the most efficient Haskell implementation, but on
my computer it runs the large dataset in a little under 3 seconds,
which is probably good enough.
> Hi,
> I participating in de google code jam this year and I want to try to use
> haskell. The following
> simple http://code.google.com/codejam/contest/dashboard?c=90101#s=p2
> problem
> would have the beautiful haskell solution.
> import Data.MemoTrie
> import Data.Char
> import Data.Word
> import Text.Printf
> newtype ModP = ModP Integer deriving Eq
> p=10000
> instance Show ModP where
> show (ModP x) = printf "%04d" x
> instance Num ModP where
> ModP x + ModP y = ModP ((x + y) `mod` p)
> fromInteger x = ModP (x `mod` p)
> ModP x * ModP y = ModP ((x * y) `mod` p)
> abs = undefined
> signum = undefined
> solve _ [] = 1::ModP
> solve [] _ = 0::ModP
> solve (hs:ts) t@(ht:tt) | hs==ht = solve ts tt + solve ts t
> | otherwise = solve ts t
> go (run, line) = "Case #"++show run++": "++show (solve line "welcome to code
> jam")
> main = interact $ unlines . map go . zip [1..] . tail . lines
> Which is unfortunately exponential.
> Now in earlier thread I argued for a compiler directive in the lines of {-#
> Memoize function -#},
> but this is not possible (it seems to be trivial to implement though). Now I
> used memotrie which
> runs hopelessly out of memory. I looked at some other haskell solutions,
> which were all ugly and
> more clumsy compared to simple and concise C code. So it seems to me that
> haskell is very nice
> and beautiful until your are solving real algorithmic problems when you want
> to go back to some
> imperative language.
> How would experienced haskellers solve this problem?
> Thanks
> --
> View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/memoization-tp25306687p25306687.html
> Sent from the Haskell - Haskell-Cafe mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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