[Haskell-cafe] cannot build greencard

Daniel Fischer daniel.is.fischer at web.de
Wed Sep 2 17:27:50 EDT 2009

Am Mittwoch 02 September 2009 22:44:25 schrieb mf-hcafe-15c311f0c at etc-network.de:
> hi,
> i am stuck with a linker error in greencard, and haven't found
> anything online, so i am addressing you for fresh ideas.  as soon as i
> get this sorted out, i will try to turn the answer into a patch that
> you can consider for the next release.
> SYMPTOMS: greencard 3.0.3 and 3.01 do not compile with ghc-6.8 (debian
> lenny package) and 6.10 (darcs copy, checked out yesterday).  here is
> what happens:

> 6 (0) 19:27:24 mf at yoyo:/tmp2/greencard-3.0.3 $ make prefix=/tmp2/
> make[1]: Entering directory `/hime/tmp2/greencard-3.0.3/src'

don't install with make, try

cabal update && cabal install greencard

if you have a cabal binary, otherwise

ghc --make Steup
./Setup configure --user --prefix=$HOME   (or whatever configure options you want)
./Setup build
./Setup install

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