[Haskell-cafe] x -> String

Matt Morrow moonpatio at gmail.com
Sun Oct 18 12:06:45 EDT 2009

On 10/17/09, Andrew Coppin <andrewcoppin at btinternet.com> wrote:
> Derek Elkins wrote:
>> See vacuum: http://hackage.haskell.org/package/vacuum
> Could be useful... Thanks!

As Derek mentioned, vacuum would be perfect for this:


import Data.Word
import GHC.Vacuum
import GHC.Vacuum.ClosureType
import qualified Data.IntMap as IM

type Info = (ClosureType  -- what kind of heap node is this?
            ,[String]     -- [pkg,mod,con] for constructors
            ,[Int]        -- "pointers" refering to other nodes in IntMap
            ,[Word])      -- literal data in constructors

overview :: HNode -> Info
overview o =
  let ptrs = nodePtrs o
      lits = nodeLits o
      itab = nodeInfo o
      ctyp = itabType itab
      -- only available
      -- for constructors
      (pkg,mod,con) = itabName itab
      names = filter (not . null)
  in (ctyp
     ,names -- [] for non-data

-- returns an adjacency-list graph
info :: a -> [(Int,Info)]
info = fmap (\(a,b)->(a,overview b))
                . IM.toList . vacuum

-- returns an adjacency-list graph
infoLazy :: a -> [(Int,Info)]
infoLazy = fmap (\(a,b)->(a,overview b))
                . IM.toList . vacuumLazy


-- example usage

data A a = A Int | B a | forall b. C b [A a]

val0 = [A 42, B (Left Nothing), C (pi,()) val0]
val1 = fmap (\n -> C n []) [0..]

ghci> mapM_ print (info val0)
Loading package vacuum-1.0.0 ... linking ... done.

ghci> mapM_ print (infoLazy val1)

ghci> val1 `seq` ()

ghci> mapM_ print (infoLazy val1)

ghci> length . take 2 $ val1

ghci> mapM_ print (infoLazy val1)

ghci> case val1 of a:b:_ -> a `seq` b `seq` ()

ghci> mapM_ print (infoLazy val1)



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