Fwd: [Haskell-cafe] Num instances for 2-dimensional types
Alberto G. Corona
agocorona at gmail.com
Tue Oct 6 21:22:56 EDT 2009
real numbers, complex nuimbers, n-dimensional spaces have well defined + and
* operations (vectorial product in the latter case).
even algebraic expressions like:
data Expr = Var String | Number Integer | Sin Expr | Cos Expr
can be instances of Num and express certain simplification rules in the
instance Num Expr where
(Sin x) * (Cos x) = (Sin (2 * x))/2
I started to develop a extensible symbolic math manipulation around the idea
of using symbolic expressions as instances of Num and other basic classes.
But I leaved it out due to lack of time.
By the way I attach it just in case anyone want to get some idea from it:
module DynAlgebra where
data Dyn= forall a.(Num a, Eq a, Show a, Ord a, Read a, Simplify a)=> Dyn a
instance Show Dyn where
show (Dyn a)= show a
instance Eq Dyn where
(Dyn a) == (Dyn b)= solve a== solve b
class Simplify a where
simplify :: a -> a
solve :: a -> Polonomial Expr1
data Polonomial e = e :/ e | e :+ e | e :* e deriving Show
data Expr1= Var String | I Integer | Pi | E deriving Show
-- Integer :/ Integer for exact rational arithmetic
data Expr= Polinomial Expr | Formula Dyn deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Num (Polonomial Expr1) where
fromInteger = I
(+) (I a) (I b)= I (a+b)
(+) e1 e2 = e1 :+ e2
(*) (I a) (I b)= I (a*b)
(*) e1 e2 = (:*) e1 e2
abs (I x) | x>=0 = I x
| otherwise = I (-x)
signum (I x) | x >= 0 = 1
| otherwise= -1
instance Ord Polonomial where
compare (I a) (I b)= compare a b
compare ( x :+ z) y | x < y && z >0 = LT
| x > y && z >0 = GT
compare y ( x :+ z) | y > x && z >0 = LT
| y > x && z >0 = GT
instance Eq Polonomial where
(I a) == (I b) = a == b
(I a :+ I b)== ( I c :+ I d)= a + b== c + d
(I a :* I b)== ( I c :* I d)= a * b== c * d
(a :+ b)== (c :+ d)= a==c && b == d
(a :* b)== (c :* d)= a== c && b == d
(a :/ b)== (c :/ d)= a * d == b * c
exp1 == exp2 = simplify exp1== simplify exp2
instance Simplify (Polonomial Expr1) where
solve x = simplify x
simplify ( (I x) :/ (I y))= case quotRem x y of
(q,0) -> I q
(q,r) -> let m= mcd y r in (I(x `div` m)) :/ (I(y
`div` m))
simplify ((I a) :+ (I b))= I (a + b)
simplify ((I a) :* (I b))= I (a * b)
simplify ((a :* b) :+ (c :* d)) | a == c = simplify $ a * (b :+d)
simplify (exp1 :+ exp2) = simplify exp1 :+ simplify exp2
simplify (exp1 :* exp2) = simplify exp1 :* simplify exp2
simplify expr= expr
mcd x y= case mod x y of
0 -> y
t -> mcd y t
subst:: Polonomial -> [(String, Polonomial )] -> Polonomial
subst exp l= subs1 exp where
subs1 (Var v)= case lookup v l of
Nothing -> Var v
Just e -> e
subs1 (e1 :+ e2) = ((subs1 e1) :+ (subs1 e2))
subs1 (e1 :* e2) = ((subs1 e1) :* (subs1 e2))
subs1 (e1 :/ e2) = ((subs1 e1) :/ (subs1 e2))
subst e= e
f x= x :* x
main= print $ solve $ 2 :+1
2009/10/5 Miguel Mitrofanov <miguelimo38 at yandex.ru>
> Sönke Hahn wrote:
> I used to implement
>> fromInteger n = (r, r) where r = fromInteger n
>> , but thinking about it,
>> fromInteger n = (fromInteger n, 0)
>> seems very reasonable, too.
> Stop pretending something is a number when it's not.
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