[Haskell-cafe] ANN: wumpus-core-0.13.0

Stephen Tetley stephen.tetley at gmail.com
Fri Nov 27 09:30:42 EST 2009

Hello All

Wumpus-core is a library for drawing 2D vector pictures, supporting
output to PostScript and SVG. It has no FFI dependencies, so should be
portable across operating systems (assuming GHC with type families).

Wumpus-core is functional, though quite low-level - its similar to
PostScript but with a more 'coordinate free' style. I'm working on a
complementary package for higher-level stuff, but it will be some time
before it is release ready.

Many thanks to Conal Elliott and Iavor S. Diatchki for their
invaluable libraries (VectorSpace and MonadLib/xml respectively).

Best wishes



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