[Haskell-cafe] Re: Re: implementing recursive let
Ben Franksen
ben.franksen at online.de
Thu Nov 26 16:48:15 EST 2009
Derek Elkins wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 3:48 PM, Ben Franksen <ben.franksen at online.de>
>> What am I missing?
> The problem is the liftM2 in the Let branch of eval. You are
> executing the body while making the bindings, so you are trying to
> look up x while you are still trying to bind it. One solution is to
> move the execution of the body after the binding as in:
> eval (Let decls body) = mdo
> let (names,exprs) = unzip decls
> updateEnv env = foldr (uncurry M.insert) env $ zip names values
> values <- local updateEnv $ mapM eval exprs
> local updateEnv $ eval body
I already tried that :( It works for non-recursive expressions
like 'example', but not for recursive ones; not even non-recursive ones
that merely use a variable before it is defined like this one
> example2 = Let [("y", Var "x"),("x", Const 1)] (Var "y")
which again makes eval loop. However, if I use your lazy version
> eval (Var x) = gets (fromJust . M.lookup x)
_or_ remove the ErrorT from the monad stack (see my other message) eval does
not loop, even with mutually recursive definitions.
*some time later*
Ok, it seems I have a version that does what I want. It is not very elegant,
I have to manually wrap/unwrap the ErrorT stuff just for the Val case, but
at least it seems to work. Here it goes:
> eval (Var x) = Eval $ ErrorT $ do
> env <- get
> v <- case M.lookup x env of
> Just v -> return v
> Nothing -> do
> warning ("reference to undefined variable " ++ show x)
> let v = Data ""
> modify (M.insert x v)
> return v
> return (Right v)
> warning s = tell $ ["Warning: " ++ s]
I suspect what is needed to avoid this is a combinator that convinces ErrorT
that a computation is really going to succeed, no matter what. Hmm, now
that I think about it this should be possible using catchError. I will
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