[Haskell-cafe] Re: haskell-mode.el mailing list (+ dpatch)

Benjamin L.Russell DekuDekuplex at Yahoo.com
Wed Nov 25 22:01:54 EST 2009

On Wed, 25 Nov 2009 21:15:59 +0100, Svein Ove Aas <svein.ove at aas.no>

>On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 11:37 AM, Jose A. Ortega Ruiz <jao at gnu.org> wrote:
>> Svein Ove Aas <svein.ove at aas.no> writes:
>>> Well, I know when I'm beat..
>>> http://trac.haskell.org/haskellmode-emacs/
>>> http://projects.haskell.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/haskellmode-emacs
>> Excellent! Thanks. Any objection to my adding the list to gmane.org?
>I certainly don't mind.
>I've noticed that the list administrative interface has a news-gateway
>option. Is there anything I should do there?

You don't need to worry about that one.  When I set up the gateway to
Gmane.org for the Haskell-Beginners mailing list, there had been no
need to bother with that option.

-- Benjamin L. Russell
Benjamin L. Russell  /   DekuDekuplex at Yahoo dot com
Translator/Interpreter / Mobile:  +011 81 80-3603-6725
"Furuike ya, kawazu tobikomu mizu no oto." 
-- Matsuo Basho^ 

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