[Haskell-cafe] Existential type question
Michael Snoyman
michael at snoyman.com
Sun Nov 22 13:24:48 EST 2009
Hi all,
I've come across some code I just can't figure out how to write
appropriately. Below is a silly example that demonstrates what I'm trying to
do. I don't really have the appropriate vocabulary to describe the issue, so
I'll let the code speak for itself. In particular, I'm trying to understand
what the correct type signatures for unwrapMyData and bin should be.
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
class Monad m => MonadFoo x m where
foo :: x -> m a
data MyData a = forall i. Integral i => MyLeft i
| MyRight a
instance Monad MyData where
return = MyRight
(MyLeft i) >>= _ = MyLeft i
(MyRight x) >>= f = f x
instance Integral i => MonadFoo i MyData where
foo = MyLeft
bar :: MonadFoo Int m => Int -> m String
bar 0 = return "zero"
bar i = foo i
baz :: String -> MyData String
baz "zero" = MyRight "Zero"
baz _ = MyLeft (-1 :: Integer)
--This works: unwrapMyData (MyLeft i) = foo (fromIntegral i :: Integer)
unwrapMyData (MyLeft i) = foo i -- This is what I'd like to work
unwrapMyData (MyRight a) = return a
bin i = do
a <- bar i
b <- unwrapMyData $ baz a
return $ b ++ "!!!"
instance Show a => MonadFoo a IO where
foo = fail . show -- I know, it's horrible...
main = do
res <- bin 0
putStrLn res
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