[Haskell-cafe] help with musical data structures
Hans Aberg
haberg at math.su.se
Sun Nov 15 13:52:09 EST 2009
On 15 Nov 2009, at 12:55, Stephen Tetley wrote:
>> http://hackage.haskell.org/packages/archive/haskore/0.1/doc/html/Haskore-Basic-Pitch.html
>> but maybe it is not what you need, since it distinguishes between
>> C sharp
>> and D flat and so on.
> The enharmonic doublings and existing Ord instance make Haskore's
> PitchClass a tricky proposition for representing the Serialist's view
> of pitch classes. An integer (or Z12) represent would be simpler.
A Z12 representation is really only suitable for serial music, which
in effect uses 12 scale degrees per octave.
> To get pitch names I would recover them with a post-processing step,
> spelling pitches with respect to a "scale" (here a SpellingMap):
>> spell :: SpellingMap -> Pitch -> Pitch
> The spell function returns the note in the scale (SpellingMap) if
> present, otherwise it returns the original to be printed with an
> accidental.
> I have my own pitch representation, but a SpellingMap for Haskore
> would be
>> type SpellingMap = Data.Map PitchClass PitchClass
> Scales here are functions that generate SpellingMaps rather than
> objects themselves.
> The modes and major and minor scales have easy generation as they are
> someways rotational over the circle of fifths (I've have implemented a
> useful algorithm for this but can't readily describe it[1]). Hijaz and
> klezmer fans need to construct their spelling maps by hand.
The pitch and notation systems that Western music uses can be
described as generated by a minor second m and major second M. Sharps
and flats alter with the interval M - m. If departing from two
independent intervals, like a perfect fifth and the octave, then m and
M can be computed. - I have written some code for ChucK which does
that and makes them playable on the (typing) keyboard in a two-
dimensional layout.
The pitch system, which I call a "diatonic pitch system", is then the
set of combinations p m + q M, where p, q are integers (relative a
tuning frequency). The sum d = p + q acts a scale degree of the pitch
system. Sharps and flats do not alter this scale degree. Typical
common 7 note scales have adjacent scale degrees. This is also true
for scales like hijaz.
The note name can then be computed as follows:
First one needs (p, q) values representing the note names a b c d e f
g having scale degrees 0, ..., 6, plus a value for the octave. If
given an arbitrary combination (p, q), first reduce its octave, and
then compute its scale degree; subtract the (p, q) value of the note
name with the same scale degree. There results a note with p + q = 0,
i.e., p = - q. If q > 0, it is is the number of sharps, if p > 0 it is
the number of flats.
This method can be generalized. It is not necessary to have 7 notes
per diapason, and the diapason need not
be the octave. By adding neutral seconds, one can describe more
general pitch systems (one is enough for Arab, Persian and Turkish
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