[Haskell-cafe] Could someone teach me why we use Data.Monoid?
Daniel Schüssler
anotheraddress at gmx.de
Sun Nov 15 01:51:35 EST 2009
> - Product (a,b) and co-product (Either) of monoids
the coproduct of monoids is actually a bit tricky. It could be implemented
like this:
-- |
-- Invariant 1: There are never two adjacent Lefts or two adjacent Rights
-- Invariant 2: No elements (Left mempty) or (Right mempty) allowed
newtype Coprod m1 m2 = C [Either m1 m2]
instance (Eq m1, Eq m2, Monoid m1, Monoid m2) => Monoid (Coprod m1 m2) where
mempty = C []
mappend (C x1) (C x2) = C (normalize (x1 ++ x2))
normalize [] = []
normalize (Left a0 : as) | a0 == mempty = normalize as
normalize (Right a0 : as) | a0 == mempty = normalize as
normalize [a] = [a]
normalize (Left a0 : Left a1 : as) = Left (mappend a0 a1) : normalize as
normalize (Right a0 : Right a1 : as) = Right (mappend a0 a1) : normalize as
normalize (a0:as) = a0 : normalize as
inl x = normalize [Left x]
inr x = normalize [Right x]
fold :: (Monoid m1, Monoid m2, Monoid n) =>
(m1 -> n) -> (m2 -> n) -> Coprod m1 m2 -> n
fold k1 k2 = foldMap (either k1 k2)
Alternative version, possibly more efficient? Represent directly as fold:
newtype Coprod m1 m2 = C (forall n. Monoid n => (m1 -> n) -> (m2 -> n) -> n)
instance Monoid (Coprod m1 m2) where
mempty = C (\_ _ -> mempty)
mappend (C x) (C x') =
C (\k1 k2 -> mappend (x k1 k2) (x' k1 k2))
inl x = C (\k1 _ -> k1 x)
inr x = C (\_ k2 -> k2 x)
Question: in the mappend of the second version, we have a choice: We could
also, when possible, multiply on the *inside*, that is *before* applying
mappend (C x) (C x') =
C (\k1 k2 ->
x (\m1 -> x' (\m1' -> k1 (mappend m1 m1')
(\m2' -> mappend (k1 m1) (k2 m2'))
(\m2 -> x' (\m1' -> mappend (k2 m2) (k1 m1'))
(\m2' -> k2 (mappend m2 m2')))
Now I don't know what the efficiency implications of the two different
versions are :) Apparently it depends on the relative costs of mappend in
m1/m2 vs. n, and the cost of computing k1/k2?
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