[Haskell-cafe] Re: Writing great documentation[MESSAGE NOT SCANNED]

John O'Donnell jtod at dcs.gla.ac.uk
Sat Nov 14 06:52:30 EST 2009

I agree with Duncan's comment:
> I rather like the idea of using markdown (pandoc) for separate
> non-reference docs like man pages, tutorials, user guides etc rather
> than trying to make haddock do everything.

In one of my projects (Hydra and Sigma), I use pandoc for the bulk of 
the documentation, and integrate this with haddock documentation for the 
parts of the documentation that haddock can do (which is a small part of 
it).  This is all coordinated by a (rather clunky) Setup.hs.  The whole 
thing isn't very elegant, but it works robustly on both Linux and 
Windows.  That's a big advantage of pandoc: you can install it with 
cabal and use it in your Setup, so it isn't necessary to do any shell 
scripting, which can cause portability problems.  I'll attach the 
Setup.hs file.

One of the central issues here is *where* the documentation files go.  I 
don't like the existing situation, where haddock documentation goes into 
a standard place, and presumably other documentation goes somewhere 
else.  It's surely better to have all the documentation for a package in 
one directory, with all the parts linked together.  So my setup makes a 
directory, builds the haddock and pandoc pieces of the documentation, 
copies (or build)  it all into the directory, and then the contents of 
this directory is listed under data-files in the cabal file.  The result 
is that building the system produces a complete self-contained directory 
and the executable application is able to find its own documentation 
files.  This is usful in a GUI program, for example, where it's nice to 
make the documentation availble under the Help menu.

Something along these lines (with a cleaner design) would be generally 

John O'Donnell

On 11/13/2009 10:31 PM, Duncan Coutts wrote:
> On Fri, 2009-11-13 at 23:20 +0200, Max Rabkin wrote:
>> On Fri, Nov 13, 2009 at 10:58 PM, Simon Michael<simon at joyful.com>  wrote:
>>> A very common problem with online docs is fragmentation.
>> Absolutely! Is it possible to include non-haddock documentation in a
>> cabal package. Is it possible to have it readable on Hackage?
> Not yet.
> Want to volunteer?
> http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/hackage/ticket/330
> It's partly a matter of tasteful design and partly implementation. The
> same person/people do not need to do both bits. Thrashing out a detailed
> and workable design would get us most of the way there.
>> I think this would help with the fragmentation and versioning issues.
> Yes, I agree.
>> One option is to have haddock-only modules for non-reference
>> documentation (xmonad-contrib does this), and I think at the moment it
>> is a good option, but it does have disadvantages. It may not be clear
>> from the outline where documentation can be found, and it clutters up
>> the module namespace. Perhaps we could add support for a
>> Documentation-Modules field in cabal files, which would separate these
>> modules in the outline, and not install them but only their
>> documentation.
> I rather like the idea of using markdown (pandoc) for separate
> non-reference docs like man pages, tutorials, user guides etc rather
> than trying to make haddock do everything.
> Duncan
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-------------- next part --------------
import Distribution.Simple
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath
import Text.Pandoc
import Text.Pandoc.Shared
import qualified System.IO.UTF8 as U

-- To do:

main = defaultMainWithHooks hooks

hooks :: UserHooks
hooks = simpleUserHooks {postBuild = postBuildHook}


{- Haddock creates its documentation in the form of a set of files in
dist/doc/html/Hydra.  These files have names matching *.html, *.gif,
*.css, *.js, Hydra.haddock.  After running haddock, we have:

  dist/doc/html/Hydra/(files created by Haddock)

Hydra has much more extensive documentation, produced by pandoc from
sources in doc.  The top level file in this is index.html.  To avoid
conflicts between the primary Hydra documentation and the API
documentation from haddock, the following steps are taken:

  1. A list of files in dist/doc/html/Hydra/ is created,
     and named haddock_files

  2. A directory dist/doc/html/Hydra/haddock is created

  3. All the files in dist/doc/html/Hydra[haddock_files] are copied to

  4. All the files in dist/doc/html/Hydra[haddock_files] are removed

  5. Pandoc is run on the documentation source files, with the results
     placed in dist/doc/html/Hydra.  These files contain relative
     pointers (URLs) into the haddock documentation.

The result is a documentation directory in the same place Cabal
expects to find it --- dist/doc/html/Hydra --- which contains the
Hydra documentation as well as the API reference produced by haddock.



{- The csslink string is html to be incorporated into the page; it
loads the css style file.  This is placed into the haddock directory,
and given the name haddock.css, so the html files generated by haddock
will find it.  The files generated by pandoc also look there, so only
one copy of the style file needs to be created. -}

csslink :: String
csslink =
  "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" " ++
  "href=\"style.css\" type=\"text/css\" media=\"all\" />"


postBuildHook args flags packageDescription localBuildInfo =
  do putStrLn (take 72 (repeat '-'))
     putStrLn "running postBuildHook"

     createDirectoryIfMissing True
       (joinPath ["doc", "html"])

     createDirectoryIfMissing True
       (joinPath ["doc", "html", "figures"])

     putStrLn "Running pandoc..."
     putStrLn "Pandoc finished"

     putStrLn (take 72 (repeat '-'))

     figure_files <- getDirectoryContents
                       (joinPath ["doc", "src", "figures", "xfig"])

     putStrLn ("Figure files: " ++
                concat (map ((++"\n") . show) figure_files))

       (joinPath ["doc", "src", "figures", "xfig"])
       (joinPath ["doc", "html", "figures"])

       (joinPath ["doc", "src", "style.css"])
       (joinPath ["doc", "html", "style.css"])

       (joinPath ["doc","html", "Sigma16.cabal"])

--     copyFile
--       (joinPath ["examples", "Add.asm.src.txt"])
--       (joinPath ["doc", "html", "Add.asm.src.txt"])

     putStrLn (take 72 (repeat '-'))

     return ()


move_files src dest [] = return ()
move_files src dest (x:xs) =
  do putStrLn x
     if head x == '.' || x=="haddock" || x=="figures"
       then putStrLn ("Skipping file <" ++ x ++ ">")
       else do let srcpath = joinPath [src,x]
               let destpath = joinPath [dest,x]
               putStrLn ("Moving <" ++ srcpath ++
                         "> to <" ++ destpath ++ ">")
               renameFile srcpath destpath
     move_files src dest xs

copy_files src dest [] = return ()
copy_files src dest (x:xs) =
  do putStrLn x
     let ext = takeExtension x
     let srcpath = joinPath [src,x]
     let destpath = joinPath [dest,x]
     putStrLn ("filepath = <" ++ x ++ "> extension = <" ++ ext ++ ">")
     if head x == '.' || ext/=".png"
       then putStrLn ("Skipping file <" ++ x ++ ">")
       else do putStrLn ("Copying <" ++ srcpath ++
                         "> to <" ++ destpath ++ ">")
               copyFile srcpath destpath
     copy_files src dest xs


markdownToHtml :: WriterOptions -> String -> String
markdownToHtml opts =
  (writeHtmlString opts) . readMarkdown defaultParserState

mkHtml :: String -> String -> WriterOptions -> IO ()
mkHtml infilepath outfilepath opts =
  do inp <- U.readFile infilepath
     let outp = markdownToHtml opts inp
     writeFile outfilepath outp

runPandoc =
     putStrLn "Building index.html"

       (joinPath ["doc", "src", "index.txt"])
       (joinPath ["index.html"])
         { writerStandalone = True
         , writerIncludeBefore = csslink

       (joinPath ["doc", "src", "overview.txt"])
       (joinPath ["doc", "html", "overview.html"])
         { writerIncludeBefore = csslink
         , writerStandalone = True
         , writerTableOfContents = True

       (joinPath ["doc", "src", "programming.txt"])
       (joinPath ["doc", "html", "programming.html"])
         { writerIncludeBefore = csslink
         , writerStandalone = True
         , writerTableOfContents = True
         , writerHTMLMathMethod = LaTeXMathML Nothing

       (joinPath ["doc", "src", "architecture.txt"])
       (joinPath ["doc", "html", "architecture.html"])
         { writerIncludeBefore = csslink
         , writerStandalone = True
         , writerTableOfContents = True
         , writerHTMLMathMethod = LaTeXMathML Nothing

       (joinPath ["doc", "src", "assembly.txt"])
       (joinPath ["doc", "html", "assembly.html"])
         { writerIncludeBefore = csslink
         , writerStandalone = True
         , writerTableOfContents = True
         , writerHTMLMathMethod = LaTeXMathML Nothing

       (joinPath ["doc", "src", "linking.txt"])
       (joinPath ["doc", "html", "linking.html"])
         { writerIncludeBefore = csslink
         , writerStandalone = True
         , writerTableOfContents = True
         , writerHTMLMathMethod = LaTeXMathML Nothing

       (joinPath ["doc", "src", "execution.txt"])
       (joinPath ["doc", "html", "execution.html"])
         { writerIncludeBefore = csslink
         , writerStandalone = True
         , writerTableOfContents = True
         , writerHTMLMathMethod = LaTeXMathML Nothing

       (joinPath ["doc", "src", "tutorial.txt"])
       (joinPath ["doc", "html", "tutorial.html"])
         { writerIncludeBefore = csslink
         , writerStandalone = True
         , writerTableOfContents = True
         , writerHTMLMathMethod = LaTeXMathML Nothing

       (joinPath ["doc", "src", "colophon.txt"])
       (joinPath ["doc", "html", "colophon.html"])
         { writerIncludeBefore = csslink
         , writerStandalone = True
         , writerTableOfContents = True
         , writerHTMLMathMethod = LaTeXMathML Nothing

       (joinPath ["doc", "html", "README.html"])
         { writerIncludeBefore = csslink
         , writerStandalone = True
         , writerTableOfContents = True

       (joinPath ["doc", "html", "INSTALL.html"])
         { writerIncludeBefore = csslink
         , writerStandalone = True
         , writerTableOfContents = True

--       "dist/doc/html/Hydra/LICENSE.html"
       (joinPath ["doc", "html", "LICENSE.html"])
         { writerIncludeBefore = csslink
         , writerStandalone = True
         , writerTableOfContents = True


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