[Haskell-cafe] Type-indexed expressions with fixpoint

oleg at okmij.org oleg at okmij.org
Tue Nov 10 07:12:27 EST 2009

Brent Yorgey wrote:
> This email is literate Haskell.  I'm struggling to come up with the
> right way to add a fixpoint constructor to an expression language
> described by a type-indexed GADT (details below).
> but since Haskell doesn't have type-level lambdas, I don't see how
> to make that work.

John Reynolds showed long ago that any higher-order language can be
encoded in first-order. We witness this every day: higher-order
language like Haskell is encoded in first-order language (machine
code). The trick is just to add a layer of interpretive overhead -- I
mean, a layer of interpretation. The closure conversion on type level
was shown in

Here's how a similar technique applies to the problem at hand. There is
an alternative solution: encode higher-order functors by means of SKI
combinators. Somehow I prefer the pointed solution.

The complete code follows.

{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, KindSignatures, GADTs, FlexibleInstances #-}

data U  :: (* -> *) -> * where
  Unit  :: U None
  Var   :: U Id
  (:+:) :: U f -> U g -> U (Sum f g)
  (:*:) :: U f -> U g -> U (Prod f g)
  Mu    :: HOFunctor f => f -> U (MU f)

data None a = None deriving Show
data Id a = Id a deriving Show
data Sum f g a = Inl (f a) | Inr (g a) deriving Show
data Prod f g a = Prod (f a) (g a) deriving Show

newtype MU f a = MU (Res f (MU f) a)

type family Res f self :: * -> *
type instance Res List self = Sum None (Prod Id self)

data List = List -- the code for the HO functor

class HOFunctor f where
    fn :: f -> U g -> U (Res f g)

instance HOFunctor List where
    fn _ self = Unit :+: (Var :*: self)

enumShapes :: Int -> U f -> [f ()]
enumShapes 0 Unit = [None]
enumShapes _ Unit = []
enumShapes 1 Var  = [Id ()]
enumShapes _ Var  = []
enumShapes n (f :+: g) = map Inl (enumShapes n f) ++ map Inr (enumShapes n g)
enumShapes n (f :*: g) = [ Prod x y | x <- enumShapes n f, y <- enumShapes n g]

enumShapes n self@(Mu f) = map MU $ enumShapes (n-1) (fn f self)

test0 = enumShapes 0 (Unit :+: (Var :*: Var))
-- [Inl None]
test1 = enumShapes 1 (Unit :+: (Var :*: Var))
-- [Inr (Prod (Id ()) (Id ()))]

test2 = enumShapes 1 (Mu List)
-- [Inl None]
test3 = enumShapes 2 (Mu List)
-- [Inr (Prod (Id ()) Inl None)]

instance Show (MU List ()) where
    show (MU x) = show x

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