[Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: feldspar-language
Tom Hawkins
tomahawkins at gmail.com
Mon Nov 9 12:41:25 EST 2009
On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 10:09 AM, Emil Axelsson <emax at chalmers.se> wrote:
> Nice!
> One of our project members has been looking at Atom, not for numerical
> computations, but for real-time scheduling (which Feldspar should deal with
> eventually).
> What kind of code (in terms of efficiency) does the above description
> compile to?
Here's and example:
module Main (main) where
import Language.Atom
main :: IO ()
main = do
compile "filter" defaults design
return ()
design :: Atom ()
design = atom "filter" $ do
input <- float' "input"
output <- float' "output"
x <- iirFilter "filter" 1 [(2,3), (4,5)] (value input)
output <== x
-- | IIR filter implemented using direct form 2.
iirFilter :: Name -> Float -> [(Float, Float)] -> E Float -> Atom (E Float)
iirFilter name b0 coeffs x = do
-- Create the filter taps.
vs <- mapM (\ i -> float (name ++ show i) 0) [1 .. length coeffs]
-- Cascade the filter taps together.
mapM_ (\ (vA, vB) -> vA <== value vB) $ zip (tail vs) vs
-- Calculate the input to the chain of taps.
let w0 = sum ( x : [ (value v) * Const (-a) | (v, (a, _)) <- zip vs coeffs ])
bs = b0 : (snd $ unzip coeffs)
ws = w0 : map value vs
us = [ w * Const b | (w, b) <- zip ws bs ]
head vs <== w0
-- Return the output.
return $ sum us
Here's the generated C. Note the filter calculation is done entirely
by function __r0:
static unsigned long long __global_clock = 0;
static const unsigned long __coverage_len = 1;
static unsigned long __coverage[1] = {0};
static unsigned long __coverage_index = 0;
static float __v1 = 0; /* filter.filter.filter2 */
static float __v0 = 0; /* filter.filter.filter1 */
/* filter.filter */
static void __r0(void) {
unsigned char __0 = 1;
float __1 = 0.0;
float __2 = input;
float __3 = __1 + __2;
float __4 = __v0 /* filter.filter.filter1 */ ;
float __5 = -2.0;
float __6 = __4 * __5;
float __7 = __3 + __6;
float __8 = __v1 /* filter.filter.filter2 */ ;
float __9 = -4.0;
float __10 = __8 * __9;
float __11 = __7 + __10;
float __12 = 1.0;
float __13 = __11 * __12;
float __14 = __1 + __13;
float __15 = 3.0;
float __16 = __4 * __15;
float __17 = __14 + __16;
float __18 = 5.0;
float __19 = __8 * __18;
float __20 = __17 + __19;
if (__0) {
__coverage[0] = __coverage[0] | (1 << 0);
output = __20;
__v0 /* filter.filter.filter1 */ = __11;
__v1 /* filter.filter.filter2 */ = __4;
void filter(void) {
static unsigned char __scheduling_clock = 0;
if (__scheduling_clock == 0) {
__r0(); /* filter.filter */
__scheduling_clock = 0;
else {
__scheduling_clock = __scheduling_clock - 1;
__global_clock = __global_clock + 1;
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