[Haskell-cafe] Haskell image libraries

Colin Paul Adams colin at colina.demon.co.uk
Sun Nov 8 10:16:30 EST 2009

>>>>> "Jeremy" == Jeremy Shaw <jeremy at n-heptane.com> writes:

    Jeremy> There is a partial binding to libgd:
    Jeremy> http://hackage.haskell.org/packages/archive/gd/3000.4.0/doc/html/Graphics-GD.html

    Jeremy> http://www.libgd.org/Main_Page

    Jeremy> But GD itself may not do what you want.

I ended up using this myself, but it is an unsatisfactory compromise
(no support for TIFF - and many other formats, trashes EXIF
information). In my innocence I had imagined that GTK (the GIMP
ToolKit) would provide all the image manipulation facilities that the
GIMP offers. But no.
Colin Adams
Preston Lancashire

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