[Haskell-cafe] a problem defining a monad instance
Miguel Mitrofanov
miguelimo38 at yandex.ru
Fri Nov 6 13:40:15 EST 2009
The usual continuation trick:
fromDistrib :: Ord a => Distrib a -> Cont (Distrib r) a
fromDistrib da = Cont (\c -> dcompose da c)
toDistrib :: Cont (Distrib r) r -> Distrib r
toDistrib (Cont f) = f dreturn
"Cont anything" is a monad.
On 6 Nov 2009, at 21:08, Petr Pudlak wrote:
> Hi all,
> (This is a literate Haskell post.)
> I've encountered a small problem when trying to define a specialized
> monad instance. Maybe someone will able to help me or to tell me that
> it's impossible :-).
> To elaborate: I wanted to define a data type which is a little bit
> similar to the [] monad. Instead of just having a list of possible
> outcomes of a computation, I wanted to have a probability associated
> with each possible outcome.
> A natural way to define such a structure is to use a map from possible
> values to numbers, let's say Floats:
>> module Distribution where
>> import qualified Data.Map as M
>> newtype Distrib a = Distrib { undistrib :: M.Map a Float }
> Defining functions to get a monad instance is not difficult.
> "return" is just a singleton:
>> dreturn :: a -> Distrib a
>> dreturn k = Distrib (M.singleton k 1)
> Composition is a little bit more difficult, but the functionality is
> quite natural. (I welcome suggestions how to make the code nicer /
> more
> readable.) However, the exact definition is not so important.
>> dcompose :: (Ord b) => Distrib a -> (a -> Distrib b) -> Distrib b
>> dcompose (Distrib m) f = Distrib $ M.foldWithKey foldFn M.empty m
>> where
>> foldFn a prob umap = M.unionWith (\psum p -> psum + prob * p)
>> umap (undistrib $ f a)
> The problem is the (Ord b) condition, which is required for the Map
> functions. When I try to define the monad instance as
>> instance Monad Distrib where
>> return = dreturn
>> (>>=) = dcompose
> obviously, I get an error at (>>=):
> Could not deduce (Ord b) from the context.
> Is there some way around? Either to somehow define the monad, or to
> achieve the same functionality without using Map, which requires Ord
> instances?
> Thanks a lot,
> Petr
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